Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Socialist issue 1123

3 March 2021

Not a budget for the working class!

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The Socialist issue 1123

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spotNot a budget for the working class!

Super-rich laughing all the way to the bank: A social tsunami threatens Britain. Two million workers are already officially on the dole and five million more on furlough, facing an uncertain future when the scheme ends.

spotPublic sector workers respond to the budget


spotPresident of ‘big four’ Labour-affiliated trade union joins TUSC committee

spotWomen’s health matters

Working-class women have suffered enormously during the pandemic. We’ve been disproportionately hit by job losses, pay cuts, and the additional burden of home schooling and childcare.

International Women’s Day

spotA fighting programme for women’s rights and socialism

The Covid pandemic has shone a spotlight on all forms of inequality in capitalist society. If you live in a poor area you are twice as likely to die from Covid than if you live in a rich one.

spotA history of International Women’s Day

8 March this year marks the 110th anniversary of International Women’s Day (IWD). Over the years there’s been a sustained attempt to remove the socialist origin of the day

What we think

spotLiverpool Labour meltdown – Fight for socialist policies

Thirty five years ago the national news bulletins most nights featured the leaders of Liverpool’s Labour council, in which Militant (now the Socialist Party) played a key role

School safety

spotSchools’ safety – teachers demand fighting union strategy


spot‘Casino capitalism’ – driving another potential financial Armageddon

Across the globe at least 2.4 million people have now died from contracting Covid-19. Livelihoods have been wrecked and economies have crashed, with the world economy shrinking by over 4%

spot1981: New Cross Massacre


spotBus workers under attack and fighting back

spotManchester indefinite bus strike against ‘fire and rehire’

Socialist Party members supported the hundreds of bus drivers in Manchester who are on strike over proposed changes by private company Go North West

spotHMRC: Pay deal agreed but at what cost?

On 26 February the PCS union HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) pay ballot closed. The turnout was 82.4% with 79.6% for and 20.4% against the deal.

spotBritish Gas strike

spotSparks force bosses back but fight continues to stamp out deskilling

Rank-and-file construction electricians launched their fight against deskilling at the £22.5 billion Hinkley Point nuclear power station with a number of early morning protests on 24 February.

spotReinstate victimised bus driver Declan Clune

spotRAF Leeming strike escalates

spotTech workers walk out against ‘fire and rehire’

Tenant-referencing workers at the tech company Goodlord in east London were out on strike on 1 March against the company’s fire-and-rehire scheme.

spotVictory for Judith, defend Moe


spotWhy we need socialists in London city hall

spotSocialist Students conference

spotStop domestic abuse service closures in Brighton

spotSwansea BLM protest against racist police brutality

Eleven members of the Socialist Party and Socialist Students from Swansea and the surrounding area attended a Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstration, wearing masks and socially distancing, on 27 February

spotUnion fight to save musicians’ livelihoods

spotLabour surrenders to Tories in Devon

Devon County Council majority Tory group has passed a budget with a 4.99% rise in the council tax. This is the maximum allowed under government rules, and is a tax that hits those on low incomes.

spotDetermined to smash the fighting fund target to fuel election challenge in May


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