Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, May 3, 2024

The Socialist issue 1080

1 April 2020

PPE, tests, full pay - for all now

PDF | Audio | 2020 Back issues

The Socialist issue 1080

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Coronavirus news

spotNHS workers speak out: austerity has left us unprepared

We have had many weeks to get ready to deal with coronavirus. It’s a shame that only in the last couple of weeks things are actually happening, writes Lucy, a NHS worker.

spotSchools: union oversight needed to end chaos in provision under coronavirus

Like many other teachers up and down the country, I have been trying to set lessons online for students to continue their education at home

spotCouncils must use resources now for emergency response

The devastating impact of coronavirus is exposing the impact that austerity has had on all of our public services, and particularly the NHS, writes We will keep up the pressure. Labour councils need to use all of the resources at their disposal now to save workers, not the capitalist system..

spotNHS supply chain worker: privatisation has cut equipment quantity and quality

Terrified staff across the NHS are risking their health and lives treating coronavirus patients without adequate personal protective equipment (PPE)

spotSelf-isolation class divide: decent homes for all!

The nation has been told to stay home. But that doesn’t mean the same thing for everyone, writes Holly Eaton, West London Socialist Party.

spotFully fund hospices to care for vulnerable children

I am a parent of a child with a terminal diagnosis.

spotScandalous conditions in food distribution centre

“Too little, too late” is ringing in many workers’ ears. In my workplace, a food distribution centre, it definitely echoes.

spotCoronavirus news in brief

New tests have found that ‘high-pressure laminate’ (HPL) cladding is almost as deadly as Grenfell’s ‘aluminium composite material’ (ACM) cladding in a fire

World War Two

spotAll in this together? The ‘Blitz spirit’ myth

In the first of a series of articles on ‘war, global crises and working-class struggle’, Chris Holmes exposes the myth of class unity during the World War Two

What we think

spotPPE, tests, full pay – for all now

spotLabour must resist ‘Covid coalition’: Workers need their own voice and party

spotEmergency legislation: Trade unions must be on guard against attacks on workers’ interests

Food supply and the coronavirus crisis

spotCapitalism means empty shelves, food insecurity, and soaring profits – the case for a socialist alternative

The global coronavirus pandemic has exposed the fragility of capitalist food supply systems – whose rationale is based on maximising profits rather than meeting human needs

Workplace news

spotKey workers should make bold demands

The coronavirus epidemic has highlighted how important health and social care staff are in caring for some of the most vulnerable, and keeping society running, writes Jack Jeffery, North London Socialist Party.

spotEssential workers deserve more

Workers are receiving some very contradictory messages about their wage levels and the importance of their jobs

spotWorking in Mike Ashley’s empire: After lockdown we won’t forget how we’ve been treated

I work for one of the retail chains in Mike Ashley’s empire. As more shops were closing, pressure began mounting for our chain to close too. But we were expected to lone work, rather than simply closing

spotHull construction workers force bosses to shut down site over health and safety fears

The government says “stay at home” yet leaves the bosses to decide whether their profits are more essential, writes Keith Gibson, senior GMB union steward (personal capacity).

spotBosses concede to walkouts in Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland virtually every manufacturer continued to operate as normal following the coronavirus lockdown, which led to rising confusion and then mounting anger

spotBus drivers halt sackings – now restore our pay

While the government gives reassurances to the public that ‘we are all in this together’ and they will do ‘whatever it takes’, bosses are doing whatever it takes to protect their profits, writes a South Coast bus driver.

spotPostal workers walk out over health, safety and junk mail

spotWorking from home during the pandemic

People’s experience of the transition to working fulltime from home varies

spotLeicester: Nylacast worker exposes truth

spotRefuse collection workers strike

Bin workers in Medway, Kent, walked out on 30 March over management’s failure to follow social distancing directives, to provide adequate PPE and the closure of public toilets


spotFight for safety, staffing and services – Covid chaos for benefits claimants

More than half a million claims to working-age benefits such as Jobseekers’ Allowance and Universal Credit have been made in the last two weeks

spotMore than ever, we need accountable union leaders


spotHelp us continue to fight for workers and socialism

spotBuilding the Socialist Party

Readers’ opinion

spotGoing viral – Socialist letters and comments on the coronavirus crisis

The Covid-19 pandemic is a world social crisis which touches every aspect of life.


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