Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, May 3, 2024

The Socialist issue 1037

10 April 2019

Boot out the Tories

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The Socialist issue 1037

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What we think

spotCorbyn must demand general election, defend workers’ interests and fight for a socialist Brexit

Whether a chaotic ‘no-deal’ crash out or further delay…

Climate change

spotOrganise against climate change, austerity and capitalism

Build a socialist fightback

spotOnly socialism can stop capitalism’s plastic problem

A democratic, socialist planned economy could produce sustainable and environmentally safe materials

International socialist news and analysis

spotAlgeria: Bouteflika is finished but the Algerian revolution is not!

The force of the revolutionary movement in Algeria is similar to that of the first weeks of the Arab Spring

spotChina: police state in Xinjiang under global spotlight

After decades of silence, world governments have woken up to the brutal repression against China’s ten million Uighur Muslims

Local elections

spotLocal government in crisis: councillors can fight cuts!

By cutting, Labour councils deliver a double whammy for the Tories, who get what they want and get Labour to share the blame too

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotBoot out the Tories – end austerity

Theresa May’s ‘Brexishambles’ keeps rolling on. And we’re sick of it!

spotStop Tory NHS destruction

Budget deficits, cancer service privatisation, vacant posts, 100,000 outsourced – and campaign victories!

spotGender pay gap widening

The Socialist Party demands that trade unions take a lead in fighting for public investment in well-paid jobs for all

spotThem & us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and enotehr for the rest of us. Socialism worries, bills, uni art splurge, agency austerity

Workplace news and analysis

spotPCS: vote Yes for action, back socialists in the elections!

It is crucial that we elect a leadership prepared to stand up to the many challenges we face

spotNEU conference: organise for the key battles to come

National Education Union: The 2019 conference will provide opportunities for action on pay, and discussions on workload, testing, curriculum and more

spotSwindon workers discuss action to save Honda jobs

Industrial action may be necessary, for example, to stop machinery being removed from the factory floor

spotSouthampton Hospital security workers strike

The workers lack sufficient ‘personal protective equipment’ – for months they have sustained serious injuries, and found no support from bosses

spotSupport the Glasgow Airport pay and pensions strike

Unite the Union should coordinate for action with workers at Aberdeen and Southampton airports

spotLondon Overground cleaners strike for better pay

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotLeicester Socialist Party letter for no-cuts budget

Socialist Party mayoral candidate in Leicester, Steve Score, has written to candidates in the local elections to ask if they would support a no-cuts budget

spotWalthamstow: end the school funding crisis

While the meeting was instigated because of threatened redundancies at Henry Maynard School in Walthamstow, this is part of a national crisis

spotReject the rotten NUS ‘reforms’

The National Union of Students is on the brink of bankruptcy thanks to successive right-wing leaderships

spotLeicester NHS Trust and the brutal reality of cuts

For about an hour, the audience bombarded the Trust’s representative with story after emotional story about the devastating effects of NHS cuts

spotSocial cleansing continues in Southwark

Divine Rescue, a homelessness charity, is being evicted from its council-owned premises on the Aylesbury estate in Southwark

spotNewcastle anti-fascist demo

The trade union movement must start to take the threat of the far right seriously and organise accordingly

spotSouth Yorkshire Freedom Riders – still battling on

South Yorkshire Freedom Riders held rallies on 1 April marking five years of our struggle for the full restoration of travel pass rights

spotGateshead FC crisis: save our Heed!

Socialist Party members have suggested Gateshead Soul organise a protest in the town centre and have also raised the possibility of fans’ ownership of the club

spotHealth Campaigns Together AGM success

It is clear that, in the event of a Jeremy Corbyn government, the workers’ movement will have to pressure the front bench to stick to its manifesto commitments


spotLow pay, long hours, isolation – a taxi driver speaks out

“An Uber driver has to work 35 hours a week just to break even… Then to make any money you just keep racking up the hours”

spot‘Traitors’: Cold War cloak and daggers as capitalist powers spy on allies

TV review: At the end of World War Two, US imperialism calculated the British Empire was a spent force and the US could take on the mantle of world power


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