Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Socialist issue 1058

2 October 2019

Battered Boris must goÂ… and all the Tories with him!

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The Socialist issue 1058

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What we think

spotCapitalist elite split – fight for a government in the interests of the working class

The Tory Party conference slogan ‘get Brexit done’ sums up Johnson’s attempt to appeal to millions who are fed up with the parliamentary paralysis

spot40 years on: Mandatory reselection more vital for Labour than ever

The election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader in September 2015 fundamentally altered politics in the party. But for the last four years he has been hamstrung by the 80% of pro-capitalist Labour MPs who owe their political loyalty to the Kinnock/Blair eras.


spotIs a workers’ Brexit deal possible?

This newspaper described the Leave vote in 2016 as a revolt against the capitalist establishment, a working-class ‘cry of rage’ against mass poverty and savage austerity while the rich get richer.

Fresher’s fairs

spotFreshers fairs 2019: Students impatient for change and determined to fight

Students across the country are furious with Johnson and the Tories, but see Corbyn as too hesitant. They are looking for ideas which can explain the unprecedented political crisis, and for a way to join a real fight for socialist change.


spotBattered Boris must go… and all the Tories with him!

Battered by his own MPs in parliament, his Oxbridge allies in the Supreme Court, and even some press barons, the isolated Tory leader has used his party conference as a platform for a right-wing populist election manifesto.

spotNationalisation only way to safeguard jobs and skills at Wrightbus

Wrightbus is one of the last remaining bus manufacturers in the UK. It produced the Routemaster, also known as the Boris bus, for the London Transport Authority.

spotLabour’s mass social housing pledge

Jeremy Corbyn used his Labour conference speech to repeat his call for “the largest council housebuilding programme in a generation”.


It’s one world for the super rich and another world for us.

Workplace news

spotRoyal Mail dispute: Workers determined to fight bosses’ injustices

A showdown between Royal Mail bosses and 120,000 workers is taking place as jobs and conditions come under attack.

spotPCS general secretary election – Support Marion Lloyd

On 14 October, nominations close for the PCS civil servants’ union general secretary election.

spotBromley libraries strikers proved right

Unite union members employed by Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) in Bromley, south London, have been on indefinite strike since 6 June, in defence of the library service.

spotHull: Construction workers’ walkout forces employer to back down

The unofficial construction workers’ dispute involving the building of a wood chip processing plant at Saltend Chemicals Park, in Hull, has been a struggle to prevent the blacklisting of two senior Unite and GMB union stewards – Paul Tattersfield and Keith Gibson.

spotCrown Paints dispute – union senior steward speaks out

Workers, members of the GMB union, at Crown Paints in Hull have in recent weeks taken four days of strike action in pursuit of a just pay claim. Shane Allinson, GMB senior steward, has made a statement about the dispute

spotEnd low pay – support Salford Royal security workers’ action

Outsourced security staff in Salford Royal – an outstanding NHS hospital – have voted for strike action with a 100% turnout and 100% yes vote in a ballot!

spotKarro Foods victory Hull

International socialist news and analysis

spotCatalonia independence movement two years on

The verdict of 12 Catalan nationalist leaders on charges arising from the failed independence struggle in 2017 is expected soon. Nine have been charged with rebellion, which can result in 25 years in prison.

spotEgypt: Street protests challenge Trump’s favourite dictator

Street protests in Cairo and several other Egyptian cities broke out on 20 and 21 September. Although only involving dozens or a few hundred, at first, they grew in numbers and spread to other cities.

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotSocialism 2019: An unmissable event

Events swirl around us. Governments offer no solutions. Westminster spirals deeper into chaos. Austerity rolls on. What is the way out? More specifically what is the way out in our interests – not for the bosses and billionaires?

spotNow is the moment to join the Socialist Party

Have you been reading the Socialist and thinking about joining the Socialist Party? Now is an excellent time to join.

spotFinancing socialist struggle

Will we or won’t we. You may be forgiven for thinking I’m talking about Brexit and whether we will exit on 31 October. Or it could be, will we or we won’t have a general election in the coming days?

Reader’s opinion

spotThe Socialist inbox

Letter’s to the Socialist’s editors

spotActive and strong member of Socialist Party reaches 80


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