Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Socialist issue 933

25 January 2017

Organise to beat Trumpism, austerity and capitalism

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The Socialist issue 933

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What we think

spotMillions on women’s marches around the world: Build a mass movement against Trumpism, austerity and capitalism

The huge turnouts to the anti-Trump ‘women’s marches’ on 21 January shocked even the organisers. It is now vital and urgent that that this is used as a launchpad to build a sustained, democratic, international movement with a strategy to win and a vision of a socialist alternative.

NHS under attack

spotNHS SOS: Save the Women’s Hospital

The threatened closure of Liverpool Women’s Hospital has stirred up a storm of opposition

spotDefiant mood at North Tyneside STP consultation

Socialist Party members have played a leading role in the establishment and growth of the Save North Tyneside NHS.

spotLancashire: Hospital workers protest consultation

Despite millions being spent on state of the art buildings in 2007 and 2013, NHS England is now proposing closing all or most of them and building new hospitals in a different location.

spotSt Austell: STPs attacked

“My son was assessed four months ago but is still waiting for a carer,” a mother told a packed consultation meeting – the St Austell leg of the Sustainability and Transformation Plan public relations tour

spotPaignton: organising against hospital closure

One brave nurse described the nightly pressures of being so understaffed that it is bringing workers to their knees and putting them in incredibly compromised in dangerous situations.

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotReject Surrey’s 15% council tax increase

Surrey’s Tory council wants residents to fork out a whopping 15% council tax rise to pay for the crisis in social care

spotBristol police taser own race relations adviser

Fight for community control of police policy and hiring: Unbelievably, the victim was charged with assaulting a police officer despite video evidence showing the opposite.

spot2016 hottest year on record, air poisonous

Only socialist planning can end profit-driven pollution: There is strong evidence that 2016 was the hottest year on record. Meanwhile, in 2017, part of London breached EU limits on annual hours of toxic air in just five days

spotWales council votes to buy back homes

Flintshire county council in North Wales has decided to buy back 55 council houses sold since 2005 when they become available on the market

spotTrident trouble

spotIsle of Wight independents resign over cuts

spotCome to the TUSC national conference 2017!

TUSC national conference 2017 agenda

International socialist news and analysis

spotHuge anger internationally on marches against Trump

Mass action across the USA: These were the largest simultaneous protests ever recorded in US history, with millions taking to the streets

spotIndia: struggle against land grab in Pune

Socialists and villagers wage tireless battle: India, especially in the past 25 years of neoliberal onslaught, has witnessed the massive plunder of land under the guise of major infrastructure projects. Nonetheless, such land-grabbing has provoked mass resistance movements.

spotInternational news in brief

Short stories from other sections and co-thinkers of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), the global socialist organisation which the Socialist Party is affiliated to. CWI stands in Northern Ireland elections; socialists gather in Latin America; anti-sexism campaign launched in Belgium.

Workplace news and analysis

spotRMT determinedly continues Southern strike

Although drivers’ union Aslef unfortunately suspend its 3 planned strike days on Southern Rail for talks with management, the RMT continued its action alone on 24-26 January despite only a minority of drivers being RMT members.

spotIncensed BA cabin crew strike and protest over pay

Despite freezing temperatures, striking British Airways mixed fleet cabin crew were out in big numbers at the start of their second set of strike days

spotSteely opposition growing to Tata pension offer

Steelworkers in Tata plants across the UK will be voting on a potential agreement

spot2017 Unite general secretary and executive elections

For the Socialist Party, this election is a fundamental clash about the political and industrial strategy of the biggest union in the country

Socialist Party Marxist analysis

spotDon’t we need competition to spur on progress?

Capitalist myth-buster! Human beings have always striven to understand more about our world, to test ourselves and to improve our lives

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotHuge anger against Trump across Britain

In Britain over 100,000 people marched in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington

spotSurrey: Save our fire station

Firefighters pointed out that the Staines fire engine is the busiest engine in the county. And that the local borough of Spelthorne has the busiest airport in Europe; the highest concentration of tower blocks; the worst record of fire deaths in Surrey, and many more high risk factors.

spotSouth London: march to save community centres

150 south London residents marched to oppose the closures of their community centres

spotObituary: Bernard Roome 1947-2017

Socialist readers’ comments and reviews

spotEd Balls: ‘Speaking Out’ for capitalism

Non-fiction review – Speaking Out: Ed Balls elicits sympathy for his battle against his stammer. His view that anyone who disagrees with him is a communist will probably elicit less sympathy.

spotThe Socialist inbox

Do you have something to say? Letters to the Socialist’s editors. Pensioner poverty; troublesome taxes; private profiteering.


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