Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Socialist issue 941

22 March 2017

The Tories are rotten: kick them out!

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The Socialist issue 941

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What we think

spotTory splits brought to the surface – Corbyn must go on the attack

Editorial of the Socialist: Brexit, Scotland referendum, grammar schools, National Insurance… The Tories are in crisis. Corbyn must lead a fight against the government and the Blairites.

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotTories scrap housing benefit for under-21s

A new rule change will end housing benefit for 18 to 21-year-olds from next month. Reverse all benefit cuts – fight for mass building of council homes now!

spotFight Tory attacks on women and children

Four million kids in poverty, single parents to lose £2,850, and a paltry £5 million to help mothers back into work

spotSocialists demand reply to Livingstone’s smear of Militant

Former mayor of London Ken Livingstone has accused Militant, now the Socialist Party, of bigoted political positions. Socialist Party deputy general secretary Hannah Sell demands the right to reply

spotThem & Us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and another one for the rest of us. Billionaires v zero-hour workers; massive inheritances v paupers’ funerals; house prices v wages; butlers v British Library.

International socialist news and analysis

spotNorthern Ireland: divisive election a warning

The sectarian nature of the election – as well as the perceived pressure on voters to vote ‘tactically’ given a reduction in the number of seats – in general served to knock back forces seen as challenging the establishment from the left

spotJobstown Not Guilty: defend the right to protest

The Irish state plans to try 18 peaceful protesters for ‘false imprisonment’ of Labour former deputy premier Joan Burton – add your name to the opposition!

spotNetherlands: Heavy defeat for austerity government

Build a mass workers’ party that fights for socialism: The most important feature of the elections is the colossal defeat for the outgoing austerity coalition government of the Liberal Party and the Labour Party

spotYemen: families left to starve by multinationals

The war in Yemen has not only destroyed the lives of civilians but created a landscape where multinational corporations can more easily behave like gangsters in robbing their workers. This includes the French energy giant Total and British security company G4S.

Workplace news and analysis

spotMerseyrail guard found not guilty of “endangering safety”

Martin Zee, a train guard working for Merseyrail, has been found not guilty of “endangering safety by wilful omission”

spotEnd the seven-year public sector pay cap!

If the pay cap continues to the end of the decade, average civil service pay will fall in value by more than 20%

spotAslef offer: unity needed with the RMT

Members of train drivers’ union Aslef on Southern Rail are being balloted for a second time on an offer from the company to resolve the dispute over driver-only operation of trains (DOO)

spotBattle steps up in Unite general secretary election

It is no accident that a week before voting starts, Labour Party deputy leader Tom Watson was on Radio 4 attacking Len McCluskey

spotDerby TAs’ strike suspended after new offer

Following a new offer from Labour-led Derby council, public sector union Unison has now suspended the all-out strike action by teaching assistants and school support staff

spotWorkplace news in brief

Short reports on some of the latest trade union struggles. Subway poverty pay; prison officers’ tribunal victory; Deliveroo Leeds demo; Forest Hill School strike.

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotMarch against racism: Refugee Rights has lively bloc

Thousands took to the streets to oppose racism and resist Trump

spotWe’ll fight to save our NHS!

I am struggling to believe how far the NHS has been run down over the past ten years, due to government spending cuts and costly privatisation measures

spotBiggest ever protest by Orgreave campaigners

The Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign held its biggest and noisiest demonstration yet in protest at Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s decision not to hold a public inquiry

spotJoin the march against NHS cuts and privatisation in Cumbria

The background to the misnamed ‘success regimes’ in Cumbria – in reality closure of beds, hospitals and services – is creeping NHS privatisation, cuts, increased workload and pay freezes

spotBattle for Wallsend walk-in NHS service

Battle Hill walk-in centre in Wallsend, Tyne and Wear, is one of two walk-ins the clinical commissioning group chair and Richard Branson-admirer Dr John Matthews has slated for closure, following a sham consultation

spotEast London demonstration against A&E closure

Several hundred demonstrators, including health workers, marched through Ilford on 18 March to stop the closure of the nearby King George hospital A&E department

spotSalford: International Women’s Day meeting

On International Women’s Day, Salford Socialist Party hosted a well-attended public meeting with some interesting debates

Socialist readers’ comments and reviews

spot“After seeing the branch’s effect in the community, I decided to join”

Why I joined the Socialist Party: At first I was sceptical of the Socialist Party, and went to a meeting after gentle persuasion from a friend. But I was shocked and humbled, after meeting a group of people who gave up their spare time organising the working class

spot‘I’m writing this to tell you about the plight of disabled people’

Reader’s comment: I’m still here, I’m still fighting for what I rightfully deserve. And I’m writing this to tell you about the plight of disabled people all over the country. We’re not on the news separated from you, we’re among you

spotPrecise, visceral account of working class heroism

Non-fiction review – ‘Spain in our hearts’: Left-leaning academic Adam Hochschild’s remarkable latest work collects the visceral stories of Americans and Canadians who fought fascism as part of the ‘International Brigades’ in Spain’s 1936-9 civil war

spotThe Socialist inbox

Letters to the Socialist’s editors. Health cuts kill; ‘Jam’ man – white van man; getting rid of ‘green crap’; fighting cuts is no ‘failure’; feminist film, BT scandal, bosses’ Brexit?


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