Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Socialist issue 961

6 September 2017

Fight council cuts - back the Brum bin strikers!

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The Socialist issue 961

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Socialist Party news and analysis

spotFight council cuts – back the Brum bin strikers!

Birmingham’s bin workers once again have had to strike to stop job losses and pay cuts, after the Labour council reneged on a previously agreed deal

spotHistoric McStrike: if we don’t get it, shut it down!

spotProblem gambling soars by 33%

Tories and Blairites behind ‘light touch’ industry regulation: The old adage “there’s a sucker born every minute” should be updated to every 20 seconds – after Britain’s gambling industry was again revealed to be exploiting vulnerable people in order to increase profits

spotUN slams Tories for disabled rights ruin

Reverse all the cuts now!: A damning UN report has criticised the government’s attacks on disabled people in Britain. It states legislation has “failed to recognise living independently and being included in the community as a human right.”

spotThem & Us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and another one for the rest of us including landlords and slums, billionaire profits for rail bosses and fare rises for us and student debt.

What we think

spotTories weak: time for the TUC to act

What we think: Trade unions will converge on Brighton this week for this year’s annual TUC Congress at the end of a summer which has seen a wave of strikes – many in defence of living standards

Schools and teaching

spotSchools and teaching: A perfect storm of cuts, underfunding, excessive workloads and low pay

Teachers’ unions must fight to reverse disastrous Tory education policies: Schools return this week for a new academic year with the usual mix of emotions but with the prospect of budget cuts lingering in the background

Socialist Party workplace news

spotStrike together for better pay

NSSN lobby of TUC 10 September: This summer has seen a wave of strikes. Now we need determined coordinated action across the public sector to smash the pay cap and fight for a £10 an hour minimum wage for all

spotRMT fighting for passenger safety, accessibility and security

spotMerseyrail strike over safety: Labour mayor and councillors must reverse their decision

Another rock-solid strike marked the first of three more days’ action on Merseyrail

spotThree week Argos strike ends

Argos workers, members of Unite the Union, have finished a three week period of strikes over issues around relocation and redundancies

spotFawley refinery canteen strikers tell their employer: “pay up”

Women working for caterers Baxter Stanley in the canteen at the Fawley refinery (near Southampton) voted unanimously to strike over their derisory 12p pay rise

spotCollege workers ballot for action in Nottingham

Unison and UCU further education union branches at newly merged Nottingham college are in dispute with management over redundancy and reorganisation

International socialist news and analysis

spotHurricane Harvey: A tragedy made far worse by capitalism

In the following article Socialist Alternative members (US co-thinkers of the Socialist Party) report on the devastating impact of Hurricane Harvey and the failure of establishment politicians and capitalism to prepare for such increasing extreme weather events

spotExtreme weather events and global warming

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotDetermined protest against Chatsworth Ward closure

As Chatsworth ward marchers assembled outside Mansfield Community Hospital on 2 September many passing drivers hooted in support

spotYoung people are searching for an alternative – find it at Socialism 2017

spotHuddersfield A&E closure goes to judicial review

spotThree thousand attend Burston strike commemoration rally

The annual Burston School strike rally on 3 September drew well over three thousand trade unionists and their supporters

spotBristol’s Labour mayor calls anti-austerity march – now stop making cuts!

The Labour mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees, has called an ‘anti-austerity march & rally’ in conjunction with Bristol People’s Assembly and Bristol Labour Party on Saturday 9 September

spotDemonstrators see off far-right in Keighley

“Get out of our town and take your racism with you,” was one of the messages hurled by shoppers at the small contingent of English Defence League (EDL) members trying to stage a demonstration in Keighley, Yorkshire

spotAnti-fracking campaigners’ legal fight

Ineos, the largest shale gas exploration company in the UK was granted an interim injunction against anti-fracking protesters on 31 July

Socialist Party comments and reviews

spotHow the Single Market blocks socialist policies

The European Single Market is a major barrier to any incoming socialist or anti-austerity government

spotBosses’ pensions robbery

spotMagic money tree

It was during a BBC Question Time election special that the public was first informed of the fact that a “magic money tree” did not exist by Theresa May

spotWarts-and-all account of class war and the struggle for LGBT+ rights

Non-fiction review: Pride: ‘Pride’ tells the story of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM). The group struggled alongside miners and their families in south Wales during the 1984-85 strike

spot‘Let the producers of wealth unite – and what can withstand them?’

Non-fiction review: Six for the Tolpuddle Martyrs: Every year thousands of trade unionists descend upon the small village of Tolpuddle in Dorset to commemorate the struggle in 1832 of farm workers to form a union


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