Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Socialist issue 916

14 September 2016

#KeepCorbyn: Fight workhouse conditions

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The Socialist issue 916

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What we think

spotLabour party needs democratic structures and socialist policies

Editorial of the Socialist: Jeremy Corbyn has regularly said that he wants to see democratisation of Labour’s policy-making process, with empowerment of rank and file members, which is very welcome. For the right wing it’s another story: the history of recent decades shows their desire and trajectory for the very opposite.

Socialist Party news and analysis

spot#KeepCorbyn: Fight workhouse conditions

For a party that fights for workers: “We have record employment, but also record levels of poverty among those in work… Work for millions has become insecure and stressful. We have to change that,” said Jeremy Corbyn. Meanwhile, under pressure from unions and the media, workhouse employer Sports Direct has decided to partially scrap some zero-hour contracts. However, even these tiny changes are only for staff directly employed.

spotNHS chiefs warn cuts mean rationing or charges

NHS bosses have said that the Tory government’s ‘seven-day NHS’ plan is “impossible” under current funding and staffing levels. Cuts, charges or “draconian rationing” are the only possible outcomes.

spotFund smaller classes – not new grammars

Theresa May’s vow to foster ‘social mobility’ through the creation of new grammar schools will have made the heads of teachers up and down the country spin. If you want to improve children’s life chances, it’s simple. Fund reduction in class sizes, and create an exciting and varied educational environment.

spotBenefit cap could shut 67% of women’s refuges

The new Tory benefit cap could force two thirds of refuges to close, leaving women fleeing violence with nowhere to go.

spotThem & Us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and another one for the rest of us. The richest 1% in the UK own over 28 times as much as the poorest 20%. And official numbers on zero-hour contracts have risen 20% in a year.

spotWhat We Saw

The Fabian Society is an antiquated think-tank whose founding purpose was to achieve socialism by, er, slowing down class struggle. So perhaps it’s no surprise their Labour conference fringe meeting ‘For the Many’ is ‘invitation only’.

International socialist news and analysis

spotNew ‘strongman’ president threatens martial law – while leaning on left parties for support

The coming to power of populist president Rodrigo Duterte on 9 May marked a sharp turn in Philippines politics. He has a reputation as a ‘strongman’ who as Mayor of Davao city ruled with an iron fist.

spotInternational news in brief

Short stories from other sections and co-thinkers of the Committee for a Workers’ International, the global socialist organisation which the Socialist Party is affiliated to. Jobstown protesters in Ireland, port strikers in Quebec, and a Hong Kong socialist’s role in hiding in Edward Snowden.

Socialist Party feature

spotObesity crisis: government strategy offers no solution

The scale of the obesity crisis in the UK is vast. The 2014 official Health Survey for England showed that 61.7% of adults were overweight or obese. 31.2% of children aged two to 15 were also either overweight or obese.

Workplace news and analysis

spotWestbourne Park bus dispute continues

Tower Transit bus workers took further strike action on 12 September over the imposition of new rotas that will see them lose all their previous pay rise.

spotNSSN lobby of the TUC: an urgent time for our movement

“As a junior doctor, I am asking the TUC to call a day of action to support us.” With this firm and clear statement, Aislinn Macklin-Doherty – one of two junior doctor speakers – summed up a major theme of the National Shop Stewards Network’s rally and lobby of the TUC congress.

spotLibrary workers defeat Tory cuts

Library workers in Bromley, south London, have defeated their Tory council’s plans to turn eight libraries into volunteer services.

spotThousands of Post Office workers to strike against job losses

Thousands of Communication Workers Union (CWU) members working in the Post Office will take strike action on 15 September against attacks on their job security and pensions.

spotSouthern Rail dispute update

The dispute on Southern Rail continued with a 48-hour strike on 7-8 September. The action by Southern RMT guards was solid and determined once again.

spotWorkplace news in brief

Short reports on some of the latest trade union struggles. TUC Congress has unanimously passed a motion calling for an emergency conference to discuss resistance to the government’s Trade Union Act. Met Police security guards strike.

Socialist Party youth and students

spotWhy you should become a socialist student!

Since the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and after six years of crippling Tory austerity, students find themselves facing the prospect of being worse off than the previous generation.

spotStudents and workers unite to cut rents

Student housing crisis: It’s no secret that house prices and living costs are unaffordable for most working class people. It’s also no secret that students have been hammered by successive governments, which have increased tuition fees and axed maintenance grants.

spotWhy I joined the Socialist Party

Ending inequality – bringing about lasting change: My mum is an NHS nurse and she would tell me about how understaffed they were and how private companies were buying it, not to help people but to make money.

spotJoin the Socialist Party – join the fightback

Growing up in Coventry I’d often see the Socialist Party campaigning in the town centre. No other group is so dedicated to fighting back and demanding better for people.

Socialist readers’ comments and reviews

spotFighting fascism with motorbike stunts

Theatre – ‘Dare Devil Rides to Jarama’: The 1930s was a decade sharply divided between left and right. It was also a time when intrepid motorcycle racers stunned spectators with ‘speedway’ stunts. Socialist theatre company Townsend Productions combines the two in its upcoming show.

spotThe Socialist inbox

Letters to the Socialist’s editors. Marathon for the fighting fund; Sarah Picton obituary.

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotLabour loses byelection but Corbyn isn’t the problem

Labour suffered a shock council byelection defeat that was seized upon by Labour’s right to say Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable.

spotProtest against closure of vital heart unit

Over 100 people marched in Leicester to keep our city’s heart unit at Glenfield hospital open

The protest, including Ria Pahwa with megaphone photo Steve Score, photo Steve Score

spotSocialist Party members join disability rights week of action

Disabled People Against the Cuts (DPAC) called a week of action, 4-10 of September to coincide with the beginning of the Paralympic Games.


Thousands of people have attended rallies and meetings in support of Jeremy Corbyn.


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