Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Monday, May 6, 2024

The Socialist issue 880

25 November 2015

Back doctors' strikes

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The Socialist issue 880

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Socialist Party news and analysis

spotBack doctors’ strikes

Save our NHS: Following a complete refusal to negotiate by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, junior doctors will stage their first ever full strike in December.

spotStop the Tories’ war on Syria

Bombing won’t halt Isis terrorism: The Tory government is beating ever louder its war drums, while the mass media churns out pro-war propaganda and presses Labour to follow suit.

spotAutumn statement: bonanza for bosses, pain for us

As we go to press, Tory Chancellor George Osbourne is due to deliver his autumn budget statement. The Socialist expects the usual tax cuts and freebies bonanza for big business and the rich. But for working class people, it can only be more misery.

spotPolice finally own up to spies’ relationships with target women

The Metropolitan Police have finally apologised to seven women who undercover officers had intimate relationships with under false pretences.

spotTransgender woman dies after spiteful courts pick men’s prison

A transgender woman has died after courts sentenced her to 12 months in a men’s prison. Vicky Thompson was found dead on 13 November at Armley Jail in Leeds.

spot‘Antibiotic apocalypse’: profit system holds back research

Drug-resistant infections could kill an extra ten million people every year by 2050. A potential ‘post-antibiotic era’ is fundamentally due to the profit system.

spotSun’s racist lie about Muslim support for terror

Lying Tory ‘newspaper’ the Sun ran a front page on 23 November condemning “One in five Brit Muslims’ sympathy for jihadis”. This was a naked attempt to whip up racism after the recent atrocities in Paris.

spotThem & Us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and another one for the rest of us. Flatshares v Bond lairs, Tory baron v retail workers, budget cuts v corporate handouts.

Socialist Party feature

spotSocialist change not climate change

The growing threat of climate change and a socialist programme for the environment. The forthcoming climate summit in Paris meets as evidence continues to grow of the threat of global warming.

International socialist news and analysis

spotBombing Syria won’t stop Isis

Editorial of the Socialist: While bombarding Isis can weaken it, it cannot remove it completely. Extending Britain’s military action now from Iraq to Syria will make terrorist attacks on British targets more likely.

spotDictatorship’s methods still reign in ‘democratic’ Chile

Police torture 15-year-old socialist: The legacy of that brutal dictatorship continues. While formally extinct, the “transition” to so-called democracy left intact the dictatorship’s state machine – and even constitution!

spotMyanmar: electoral defeat for the military, renewed class struggle ahead

International capitalism will exert huge pressure to keep Myanmar safe for their system. Pro-democracy election winner Aung San Suu Kyi gives no reason to believe she will not oblige.

Workplace news and analysis

spotTrade Union Momentum launched to organise to defend Corbyn

TUCG anti-austerity meeting report: Over 700 gathered at Westminster Central Hall on 21 November to attend the Trade Union Co-ordinating Group (TUCG) meeting titled: ‘After the Corbyn victory, build the fight against austerity’.

spotLambeth library workers’ wildcat strike

Library workers in Lambeth, south London, shocked Labour’s cuts councillors with a lightning strike on 18 November.

spot“I’m voting for Roger because I believe we need change in our union”

Unison general secretary election: There has been widespread support for Roger Bannister in his campaign to be elected Unison general secretary, with Unison members leafleting workplaces and explaining why they are voting for him.

spotSteelworkers demand government action to Save Our Steel

Hundreds of steelworkers from across all the steelmaking heartlands of Britain – Wales, Scotland and the north of England – took to the streets of Sheffield on 21 November to demand government action to save the steel industry.

spotFirefighters rally to defend pay and conditions

Over 200 firefighters from across the West Midlands demonstrated outside the Labour controlled West Midlands Fire Service Authority board meeting on 23 November to protest against the proposed draconian attacks to terms, conditions and jobs.

spotSolidarity with sacked BT worker

Clive Walder, a longstanding Socialist Party member in the Communication Workers’ Union, has had an appeal against unfair dismissal rejected. This is a message of solidarity to Clive from William.

spotProtest demands reinstatement of John Vasey

Supporters of the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) protested on 23 November outside the final appeal hearing of sacked CWU postal union rep John Vasey.

spotWorkplace news in brief

Short reports on some of the latest trade union struggles. Derbyshire college strikes, BBC cuts protest, junior doctors’ ballot results.

Socialist readers’ comments and reviews

spotTory MP made me sick with tax credit cut lies

Featured letter – ‘Tory trash’: I have spoken to other members of my Socialist Party branch and they agree that my recent efforts to oppose the tax credit cuts could do with some exposure in our paper.

spotTransgender access to healthcare is worsened by cuts

NHS staff, including one trust chief executive, called in September for a full debate on access to healthcare for transgender people. Discussion is a step forward – but nowhere near enough.

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotWaltham Forest march demands homes for all

Upwards of 150 gathered to express outrage at the terrible housing crisis affecting thousands in our borough – as well as across London.

spotFire cuts cost lives

Leicester is facing some of the most severe cuts to the fire service in the country.

spotSave Dorothy Lucy centre

Protesters demanded a rethink on the threatened closure of four respite and day care centres in Kent. £80 million of cuts are coming and there has been an online consultation requesting suggestions on what to cut!


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