Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, May 3, 2024

The Socialist issue 832

5 November 2014

Cold, cruel cuts: Fight the Con-Dem attacks

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The Socialist issue 832

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Socialist Party news and analysis

spotCold, cruel cuts: Fight the Con-Dem attacks

The government onslaught of attacks on the sick, disabled and terminally ill looks set to increase rapidly

Disabled people and their families protest in central London against government spending cuts, photo Paul Mattsson

Disabled people and their families protest in central London against government spending cuts, photo Paul Mattsson

spotThe Con-Dems’ Machiavellian cuts

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), a replacement for Incapacity Benefit, was introduced in 2008 for paying benefits to those too ill to work or with a disability

spotAll main parties in crisis: where will the opposition go?

It’s not just Russell Brand attacking the political and economic elite this time, but also wealthy Hollywood actress and former Labour supporter, Emma Thompson. These celebrities have captured the mood of a layer of young people and workers who are totally disillusioned with all the main parties

spotPressure mounts on zero-hour contracts

Sports Direct, notorious for its widespread use of zero-hour employment contracts, has been forced to make clear in job adverts what its workers legal rights are

spotThem & Us

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotEvery penny counts: donate to Socialism 2014

Please make a donation to the Socialism 2014 appeal to support the work of the Socialist Party and the Committee for a Workers’ International

Placards, leaflets, book: Just some of the resources donations can help pay for

Placards, leaflets, book: Just some of the resources donations can help pay for

spotTUSC fights for health centre

Bitterne walk-in centre in Southampton faces closure. The health centre is the only facility in the east of the city for urgent care and minor injuries

spotCarlisle: Stop the car parking tax

Carlisle’s “Stop the Parking Tax” campaign, in which Socialist Party members play a leading role, recently held a public meeting of 150 residents

spotSocialist Students campaign reports

Socialist Students is a campaigning organisation on campuses across the country supported by the Socialist Party

International socialist news and analysis

spotIreland water tax: ‘We won’t pay’

11 October 2014 saw the opening of a whole new chapter in the struggle of the working class in Ireland, writes Kevin McLoughlin, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)

Ireland: We won't pay the water tax!

Ireland: We won’t pay the water tax!

spotBurkina Faso: Mass uprising ousts dictator

After 27 years in power, Blaise Compaoré was planning to die in his presidential chair. But recent events have changed everything in Burkina Faso, one of the world’s poorest countries

Socialist Party workplace news

spotBack fresh strikes to save the NHS

None of the main parties will be satisfied until the NHS is a dried up, ruined husk. Cuts to pay and staff, and privatisation of facilities and services, mean soaring waiting times and plummeting care

NHS pay dispute: Dedication doesn't pay the bills

NHS pay dispute: Dedication doesn’t pay the bills

spotDefend firefighters’ right to strike!

spotVictory to St Mungo’s strikers

spotSheffield Green workers start indefinite strike

spotGreenwich libraries victory

Library workers in Greenwich, south London, have scored a fantastic victory

spotPolice staff ballot for decent pay

Police staff in the Unison, Unite and GMB unions are being balloted for strike action to win a 3% pay increase

spotRitzy cinema bosses back down

spotKent: Range wardens strike

spotWorkplace news in brief

London buses: London bus drivers in the Unite union have voted in a consultative ballot by 96% in favour of taking industrial action over sector-wide pay

Readers’ comments

spotAgree with Russell Brand? Join the Socialist Party!

When Russell Brand first said last year that none of the main parties were worth voting for he was vilified from all sides. But his mistrust of out-of-touch politicians, uninterested in the lives of ordinary people, is shared by millions

Russell Brand is actively supporting the campaign to defend New Era estate tenants, photo Paul Mattsson

Russell Brand is actively supporting the campaign to defend New Era estate tenants, photo Paul Mattsson

spotEbola virus crisis – no profit, no vaccine

In November 2010 the medical journal The Lancet ran a seminar on Ebola saying: “Previously, the usefulness of an Ebola virus vaccine was disputed, because of the disease’s rarity, little interest by industry, and the potential cost”

spotRepel the Tories’ attacks on our democratic rights

spotPortsmouth jihadis: austerity and alienation to blame

Nineteen year old Mehdi Hassan has become the latest young Muslim from Portsmouth to be killed in Syria

spotTake over software giants

The article “Private companies hold NHS to ransom” (Socialist 830) showed how giant software companies can exploit their near monopoly position


spotBenny Adams

Benny Adams died after a long illness on 6 October, aged 65. Benny was active in Militant, the Socialist Party’s forerunner, in Northern Ireland from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s

Benny Adams (left)

Benny Adams (left)


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