Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, May 3, 2024

The Socialist issue 757

20 March 2013

Axe the Bedroom Tax!

PDF | 2013 Back issues

The Socialist issue 757

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Socialist Party news and analysis

spotAxe the bedroom tax!

Around Britain, there have already been many protests against the so-called ‘Bedroom Tax’. This is one of the coalition’s most blatantly anti-poor policies and it will certainly be even more hated when it comes in on 1 April.

spotTrade unions must lead anti-cuts fightback

As this copy of the Socialist hits the streets, 250,000 PCS members in the civil service will be walking out on their Budget Day strike against job losses, attacks on their terms and conditions and the continuing pay freeze – amounting to an average real pay cut of 16% since 2008…

PCS stage outside parliament, with screen showing Budget speech, 20.3.13, photo Sarah Sachs Eldridge

spotPCS preparing for 20 March strike, and more action after

PCS on the 30 June public sector strike supported by the NUT and UCU, photo  Socialist Party

spotAnother Dooh Nibor budget – stealing from the poor to give to the rich

‘All right, everybody be cool, this is a robbery!’ It’s not Pulp Fiction – its Tory Chancellor George Osborne at the dispatch box and this will be the essence of his budget speech, at least for the vast majority of us

spotThem & Us

Socialist Party NHS campaigning

spotPrescription: Fight profiteering from health

In April the NHS will be moved another step closer to being fully privatised. 211 GP-led clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) will take over responsibility for the majority of the England NHS budget

March to save Whittington hospital, London, 16.3.13, photo Paul Mattsson

March to save Whittington hospital, London, 16.3.13, photo Paul Mattsson

spotNew faces – same Welsh Labour NHS cuts!

spotStop Mid-Yorks NHS cuts

Mid-Yorkshire NHS Trust is looking to cut back Dewsbury Hospital services. Little notice or information has been given for the consultation meetings, which have already started and will be over by 20 March

International socialist news and analysis

spotIraq: Ten years after ‘shock and awe’

Imperialism’s bloody legacy: Ten years ago, under the banner, ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’, the US-led ‘coalition of the willing’ attacked Iraq, writes Niall Mulholland.

spotCypriot workers resist bank-robbing Troika

After months of ‘calm’ the capitalist debt crisis has resurfaced over the banking meltdown in Cyprus, sending financial markets into a spin

spotAlexis Tsipras in London

What way forward for Greece and the working class in Europe?: On Friday 15 March 500 people attended a public meeting organised by the London branch of Syriza, the left party in Greece. Alexis Tsipras, Syriza’s leader, spoke at the meeting

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotAre you sick of your boss? Enough is enough

The government is on the side of the hard-working ‘strivers’, Tory chancellor Osborne assures us. ‘Alarm clock Britain’, can rest comfortably in bed



spotFight grows against privatisation at Sussex Uni

spotTUSC election campaign has an impact in Gospel Oak

TUSC protest outside Camden town hall, March 2013, photo Neil Cafferky

spotBuilding TUSC in the unions

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition is hosting a forum of leading trade unionists on 6 April. This initiative has come from the RMT transport workers’ union with the aim of broadening trade union support for TUSC.

spotSocialist Students win debate with Labour

spotNorth West TUC fails to debate councillors and cuts

The North West TUC met on 9 March at a crucial time for the trade union movement. Motion after motion spelt out the miseries of poverty, austerity, cuts and privatisation.

spotHelp build an alternative to the pro-cuts press with a May Day greeting

spotSocialist Party subs appeal

Socialist Party workplace news

spotAnother victory in the battle against Unison witch-hunt

Socialist Party member Glenn Kelly has been re-elected as branch secretary of Unison’s Bromley local government branch

Glenn Kelly at Socialist Party congress 2013, photo Senan

Glenn Kelly at Socialist Party congress 2013, photo Senan

spotBlacklisted electrician wins his case

spotRevenue and Customs wants to end face-to-face contact

spotClapham march to save fire station

Protesting against plan to close Clapham fire station, 16.3.13, photo R. Edwards

spotWorkplace news in brief

HCA strike: Unite Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) members (Housing Workers Branch) will be on strike on 20 March against a pay offer that has resulted in unprecedented anger and disgust among members

Socialist Party reviews

spotBooks that inspired me

In the first of an occasional series on books that inspired socialists, Tracy Edwards looks at Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell.

spotRiots Reframed – starting the debate


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