Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Socialist issue 726

11 July 2012

LOOTED! PFI empties NHS coffers

PDF | 2012 Back issues

The Socialist issue 726

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Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotLOOTED! PFI empties NHS coffers

Scrap PFI privatisation – bring health services back into the NHS The richest 1% in society are the only people profiting from the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) scheme that is ruining Britain’s public services.

Fight for our NHS, photo Senan

Fight for our NHS, photo Senan

spotFight Profit From Illness

spotSave Worcestershire A&E services

Socialist Party editorial

spotLibor scandal exposes rotten racketeering system

If the appearance of Bob Diamond before the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee was intended to demonstrate some kind of public accountability of bankers before parliament then it dismally failed…

Bankers protest by Walthamstow Socialist Party, photo The Socialist

Bankers protest by Walthamstow Socialist Party, photo The Socialist

spotLords reform – Abolish the House of privilege!

spotSave our server!

Youth Fight for Jobs and Education feature

spotFight for a future for the 99%

No jobs, no education, no future – that’s the grim vision that the establishment politicians have for young people…

Youth fight for jobs organised the Jarrow March for Jobs 2011 which ended with a demonstration in London on 5 November , photo Sujeeth

Youth fight for jobs organised the Jarrow March for Jobs 2011 which ended with a demonstration in London on 5 November , photo Sujeeth

spotThe politics of fighting the racist EDL

“We Are Waltham Forest” (WRWF) campaigning group has been meeting regularly since it was discovered that the English Defence League is planning a march in Walthamstow on Saturday 18 August, a Waltham Forest Socialist Party member writes.

spotPride should be about protest, not profits!


UK swindlers plc: ‘Bankers’ has become a byword for swindlers after these fat cats stuffed their pockets with bonuses while engaging in fraudulent activities and then received billions of pounds in bailouts from public funds.

Workplace news and analysis

spotLondon bus workers discuss new offer: “militant strike action pays”

London bus workers have been fighting for payment for extra work during the Olympics with joint strike action, the first for many decades, a London bus worker writes.

spotBuild the fightback against the Con-Dems: Join the lobby of the TUC on 9 September

For a one-day general strike Despite the best efforts of the Con-Dem PR machine, the Jubilee, Wimbledon and the Olympics, the Summer Circus cannot hide the fact that government cuts and the austerity agenda are provoking a fightback

spotSingle status appeal: Victory for Vine workers

spotSheffield recycling workers win victory against sackings

Sova recycling workers in Sheffield, members of the GMB, have won the reinstatement of six colleagues

Protesting outside Sova northern area office in Sheffield on July 4th 2012, photo by Alistair Tice

spotVote no to the local government pension offer

Unison’s local government leadership has instructed branches to consult members over what recommendation should be made on pensions, writes We say, vote ‘No’ in the consultation and vote ‘No’ in the ballot

spotWorkplace news in brief

International socialist news and analysis

spotEgypt: Will Mursi’s presidential election victory bring real change?

A week after Egypt’s new president – Mohammed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) – took office, a dramatic confrontation with the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (Scaf) erupted, writes Working masses need independent policies and their own party.

Socialist Party reviews and comments

spotTV Review: Britain on the brink – back to the ’70s

This Panorama documentary (9 July) looked at what effect the economic crisis had on ordinary people. It asked whether we would see the same response as at the end of the 1970s when falling living standards…

spotThe Shard: As useless as a hole in the ground

Readers’ comment: Europe’s tallest building, the Shard, next to London Bridge station, opened on 5 July at a cost of nearly £1 billion, writes Bill Mullins

spotRinging bells in the GMB

spotMinimum wage, minimum security

Socialist Party news and campaigns

spotTUSC continues to build support in Liverpool

After Tony Mulhearn’s ‘remarkable’ result in the Liverpool mayoral election in May, the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coaliton (TUSC) was in action again on Thursday 5 July, writes Alec Price.

spotLeeds protest at prison privatisation rally

spotHelp boost sales of the Socialist

spotSocialist Party Summer Camp


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