The newly formed Coventry against the Cuts campaign hit the streets for the first time on Saturday 24 July, building opposition to the savage cuts agenda being put forward by the ConDem coalition government.
Initiated by Coventry TUC, this campaign has already organised a 100-strong protest on the day of the emergency budget, and three meetings. The most recent, saw around 40 people hear Janice Godrich, president of the PCS union, give an update on the situation facing working class people and importantly outline a strategy that can beat the Tory/Liberal onslaught.
Cuts are not just coming from the national government. Local councils, often Labour led, are likely to implement attacks on the public sector. For example, in Coventry, it appears that there will be a budget in the next few weeks where there will be a vote over cuts reaching a staggering £140 million.
Over a dozen campaigners from several different trade unions and organisatons received a very warm response, with many shoppers signing the petition and all leaflets being taken by passers by. The leaflet makes clear that working class people did not cause this crisis and we refuse to pay for it.
No one is under any illusions about the scale of the challenges ahead, but as we made clear, we beat Thatcher and her poll tax, and we can beat these cuts.
The initiative taken by Coventry TUC in forming Coventry against the Cuts is an excellent one and Coventry Socialist Party branches will do all we can to build the campaign, winning union support and linking this up with the local communities who will also be hit by the cuts. Already, Charterhouse Residents Association, a very active group, has affiliated to the campaign.
A major rally is being planned for September. Join facebook group: Coventry against the Cuts’!