

Below is a list of the main sources used in the production of this book, including those from which the main quotations have been taken.

E Belfort Bax: The last episode French Revolution

Edmund Burke: Reflections on the revolution in France

Thomas Carlyle: The French Revolution

John L Carr: Robespierre: the force of circumstance

C Cipollo (ed): Fontana Economic History of Europe

A Cobban: Social Interpretation of the French Revolution

A Cobban: Aspects of the French Revolution

Vincent Cronin: Louis and Antoinette

William Doyle: Origins of the French Revolution

Frederick Engels: Socialism, Utopian and Scientific

Frederick Engels: Kautsky on the French Revolution

Bernard Fay: Louis XVI or The End of a World

CH George: Revolution: 5 Centuries of Europe in Conflict

Jacques Godechot: Taking of the Bastille: July 14 1789

Pierre Goubert: The ancien regime

N Hampson: Social History of the French Revolution

Felice Harcourt: Memoires of Madame de la Tour du Pin

John Hearsay: Marie Antoinette

E J Hobsbawm: The Age of Revolution

Ralph Korngold: Robespierre: First Modern Dictator

PA Kropotkin: The Great French Revolution

Georges Lefebvre: The coming of the French Revolution

Georges Lefebvre: The French Revolution 2 Vols

VI Lenin: Articles in Pravda 7.7.1917

R Levasseur: Memoirs

Karl Marx: Articles in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung

Marx and Engels: Collected Works Vol 3; The Holy Family

Thomas Paine: The Rights of Man

G Plekhanov: The Bourgeois Revolution

G Plekhanov: Development of the Monist View of History

G Plekhanov: The Role of the Individual in History

JJ Rousseau: The Social Contract and Discourses

George Rudé: The Crowd in the French Revolution

George Rudé: The face of the Crowd; Revolutionary Europe

George Rudé: Europe in the Eighteenth Century

John Scott (trans): The defense of Gracchus Babeuf

Albert Soboul: Understanding the French Revolution

Charles Tilley: The Vendee

Alexis de Tocqueville: The ancien regime

Claire Tomalin: Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft

Leon Trotsky: History of the Russian Revolution

Leon Trotsky: 1905; On Britain

Leon Trotsky: Writings 1935-36, 1936-37, 1938

Leon Trotsky: Terrorism and Communism

Leon Trotsky: Challenge of the Left Opposition 3 Vols