No retreat in the battle against the cost-of-living crisis
The National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) made the following statement when the Trades Union Congress (TUC) postponed its September congress.
“The TUC has postponed the TUC Congress following the Queen passing away. It appears that the Congress will now be held in October or November, still in Brighton.
Therefore, the NSSN has had to postpone our rally and lobby that were due to take place this coming Sunday [11 September]. We will organise it when the TUC Congress is reconvened.
The issues that have seen the wave of strikes develop, above all the cost-of-living crisis, continue to face workers. Therefore we still need to campaign for the unions to strike together.
We will keep you informed of the new date for the NSSN TUC Congress rally and lobby.”
- As we go to press, the TUC general council has announced new dates for the congress: 18 – 20 October, in Brighton. The NSSN will now be making plans for a rally and lobby.