Lenny Shail, Socialism 2022 organiser
Three prime ministers, lies, secret parties, crony contracts, economic chaos, and a party in civil war… Welcome to the Conservatives. Yes, the bosses’ traditional party of government, law and order, and stability!
The events of the last few years, on top of the headline circus act of the last few weeks, would be too funny if it wasn’t for the devastating worsening conditions and cost-of-living crisis working-class people face.
And now, a new prime minister, rich-list Rishi, with an estimated wealth of £730 million! Prepped by the markets to tell us to prepare for more of the same suffering and attacks of the last 12 years.
The Tory and capitalist market-inflicted chaos has raised in the minds of working people across Britain that things need to change!
The false ideas, that there are supposed norms and things will never change, have been blown away. And it’s not a coincidence that at the same time we have seen the early glimpses of what working-class people can do when they strike on mass, showing who really keeps society running.
The early waves of national strike action pose the questions of how to escalate, how to further organise working-class action and our own political voice, how can workers win – the stuff of nightmares for the capitalists.
The ruling class is panicking: how can it protect and secure its wealth and profit-based system without sparking off much more of the potential monumental fighting force of the working class?
That fighting force needs to be organised and armed with socialist ideas to prepare it to take on the bosses, and to fundamentally change society. To take ownership of the vast wealth accumulated by the bosses, and to plan society, industry and the economy in the interests of the working-class majority, wiping out the plague of horrors and suffering inflicted by capitalism across the world.
That’s why we are hosting Socialism 2022, bringing together hundreds of the best-organised, socialist class fighters to meet, learn and discuss ideas. Included in the weekend event, running from 19-20 November, is the Rally for Socialism on Saturday evening. Speakers include; Socialist Party general secretary, Hannah Sell; Socialist fighter in Sri Lanka, Prasad; and leading activists from the trade unions taking strike action.
It has never been a better time to fight for socialist change. It’s easy to get involved. The best place to start is to come to Socialism 2022 and become part of the struggle for a socialist world.