‘Time and money well spent’

Nick Hawkesford, Devon Socialist Party

I was thrilled when I heard about Socialism 2022. I eagerly awaited the release of the programme of workshops.

As a newly elected Equalities Officer for my Unite union branch, I was hoping there would be talks on topics that would be relevant. And the programme has not disappointed.

With so many interesting topics on offer, I may have to pin the programme to the wall and throw darts at it to make a decision. But I know whatever I decide, it will be time and money well spent.

I joined the Socialist Party in July. I did so, first and foremost, because I wanted to make a difference, to improve the conditions in which people live, and to channel my energy into something productive.

I was sick of the kind of politics endemic to certain parts of the internet – identity politics and futile bickering, which served only to waste precious time and energy. I was bored of the same old tired arguments used to justify the same old tired austerity policies, and I was delighted to find a party whose goals align with my own.

I’m going to Socialism 2022 because it’s important to meet socialists outside of our own area, and to come together to learn, listen, and share our views with people who have the same political goal.

‘Not to be missed’

Dan Felmlee, Plymouth Socialist Party

This year, the Socialism 2022 event is more relevant ever, as we see an increasing cost-of-living crisis and coordinated strike action. We all have the sense that the excesses of capitalism are causing the global economy and governance to strain the buttons, if not burst at the seams.

During this turbulent time, it is crucial to have a firm footing in understanding socialism. There is an overwhelming abundance of workshops to attend and participate.

The events around the passing of the Queen will be addressed in ‘Capitalism and the Crown’.

I’m part of the University and College Union (UCU), which has just voted for strike action. I think it will be critical for me to attend the workshops about the lessons of the 1926 general strike, and ‘Are we heading for a general strike?’

I’m very concerned about climate change, and can’t imagine a capitalist motivator to solve it. So I am eager to attend ‘Can a sustainable socialist planned economy combat climate change?’ And I think it will be important to attend ‘Harassment and violence against women – where does it come from and how to fight it?’

I’m also look forward to the warm fellowship of Socialist Party members, and meeting people from throughout the country. Socialism 2022 is not to be missed.

‘Its powerful stuff’

Lynn Gunnigle, Devon Socialist Party

Last year was my ever first Socialism event. I was a little apprehensive, but I need not have worried. It was very well organised, and there were so many workshops to choose from.

The sessions were interesting and informative and passed far too quickly. I was made to feel very welcome by everyone. And it was lovely to meet face to face with socialists from across the country.

The speakers at the rally and workshops were great. I remember thinking how lucky I was to be learning so much, in such a short space of time, from each of those individuals who had worked for years or even decades in their own industry or sector, and were now passing on their knowledge and experience. I found that invaluable, especially on subjects I know little or nothing about.

What I wasn’t expecting was the buzz, the vibe and the overwhelming feeling of solidarity that hundreds of people with the same hopes, dreams and determination coming together can create. Its powerful stuff.

I especially enjoyed the social side of the event – the lunch and coffee brakes, the evening drinks, even the journey travelling with Socialist Party members from Devon. I talked and chatted for what seemed like the whole weekend, met lots of new people, and learnt a lot.

I came home in a happy haze, inspired to keep on striving for socialism in any way I can. It was a really good experience from which I concluded that socialism is the only viable way forward, and food for the soul.

That’s why I am now looking forward to doing it all over again at Socialism 2022. See you there.
