Cardiff Socialist Students on a protest this term
Cardiff Socialist Students on a protest this term

Theo Sharieff, Socialist Students national organiser

On 2 November, striking workers and trade unionists protested outside Parliament to demand that the crumbling Tory government goes. Socialist Students was there, and out on campuses on the same day, standing in solidarity with the trade union movement fighting back against the cost-of-living crisis.

The trade unions have shown what can be achieved through getting organised. That’s why Socialist Students is holding a national week of action from Monday 7 November to demand action from university management on the student cost-of-living crisis.

Students face a massive hit to their maintenance loans. Many are worried at the very real prospect of running out of money before the end of term. Socialist Students fights for rent control, cost-of-living grants for students, and free education.

In order to achieve this, it is necessary to build a nationally coordinated student movement. A national student movement could link up students with workers in struggle. This way we can fight for the funding our universities need from central government, in order to provide a decent, high-quality, free education for all.

Socialist Students stands in solidarity with the University and Colleges Union (UCU), which has successfully balloted for strike action. Over 70,000 workers at 150 universities could take strike action soon.

The UCU has been fighting for years against attacks to universities by management and the Tories. Socialist Students will be visiting UCU picket lines, and getting in touch with UCU branches to discuss how best to build student support for the strikes.

And on 9 November, Socialist Students is standing in solidarity with students and workers in Sri Lanka, who have been fighting against their own cost-of-living crisis, and now face brutal repression from the Sri Lankan state.