Greencore, photo: Ian S/CC
Greencore, photo: Ian S/CC

‘Rebel with a cause’, Rotherham

‘Zero per cent pay rise, non-negotiable’, management said. A few months later, a 33% pay rise won!

Unite members at Greencore food manufacturer at Kiveton, near Sheffield, have secured a huge victory.

Facing a management pleading poverty, a paltry ‘improved’ offer of up to 6% was overwhelmingly rejected by union members. With Unite the Union getting ready to ballot for industrial action, management came back with 10% – 33% pay rises for this year, and 4 – 8% increases next year.

The union recommended rejection of a two-year deal, with RPI inflation still likely to be much higher in 2023.  A big majority voted to accept the inflation-busting deal for this year, and rejected a two-year deal.

Engineers have got a 10% rise, factory grades got between 13% and 19% rises, and a number of HGV Class 1 drivers got a whopping 33%.

As a result of the pay campaign and member engagement, union density has rocketed from 25% to 98% amongst engineers, from 40% to 85% amongst drivers, and is still going up on the factory floor. Six members have stepped forward to be new shop stewards.

This example shows how big pay rises can be won now, and trade union organisation strengthened for future battles.