Cardiff Socialist Party Stall
Cardiff Socialist Party Stall

Chris Newby, Socialist Party finance department

As we go into 2023 the increase in the number of workers prepared to take strike action to improve their pay and reverse the attacks on their working conditions shows no sign of abating. New groups of workers, including teachers, firefighters and junior doctors are currently balloting for strike action. The strikes of rail, postal and health workers are clearly inspiring people across Britain that something can be done to stop brutal attacks on wages and services. This is clearly seen on Socialist Party campaign stalls with many comments from members of the public supporting the striking workers.

In our leaflets and in the pages of the Socialist we fully support these strikes – issues of this paper are full of reports of our members visiting picket lines. We also provide a clear strategy of what is needed. To unite these struggles in a 24-hour general strike, fighting for a new mass political voice for the working class and for a clear strategy to not only defend the NHS but to dramatically improve it.

We need to get this message out as widely as possible through the pages of the Socialist and through our many leaflets, posters and placards. All of this costs money, which is why it is vital that we build on last quarter’s tremendous fund raising, by making sure we smash through the first fighting fund target of 2023.

Socialist Party branches will be planning how they can reach their targets. These plans should follow the example of our members in Cardiff who, this week strove to get as many members involved in their weekend campaign stall with brilliant results (see below).

All our branches should try to organise a similar stall once during this quarter on top of regular weekly campaign stalls. Contacting as many of our local members and supporters to get as big a turnout as possible, getting plenty of posters to decorate stalls, if possible using a PA system to attract the passing public, and planning to stay out a bit longer, all will have real results. Each branch doing this would enormously boost the Socialist Party’s fighting fund and we would meet many more people interested in socialist ideas and potentially joining the party.

If you need any ideas or help in organising such an activity you can contact the Socialist Party’s finance department.

Off the mark in Cardiff

Rhys Davies, Cardiff Socialist Party

This weekend, our campaign stalls in Cardiff, the first of the new year, showed there’s no let-up in public support for striking workers in our hospitals and elsewhere.

Nine Socialist Party members rallied support for NHS workers with two stalls, a loudspeaker, and Socialist Party flag under the Nye Bevan statue (for added symbolism!).

One supermarket worker who is an activist in the Usdaw union stopped to say he’s grateful to those who are striking because it has panicked his bosses into offering a double-digit percentage pay rise!

Even the council wardens that are usually hostile to our presence and have challenged our activity on several occasions stopped to sign our petition and even donate to the fighting fund.

A visitor from California who described herself as a socialist stopped to contribute, showing that the importance of the NHS is known globally, and the fight for its existence and funding has international support.