Liverpool Socialist Party campaign stall. Photo: Alex Smith
Liverpool Socialist Party campaign stall. Photo: Alex Smith

Oisin Duncan, North West Socialist Party organiser

Socialist Party members from across the North West met in Liverpool on 21 January to discuss plans to spring into action in 2023.

In the midst of the strike wave, with Tories teetering on the edge, and Labour promising the world to big business, the political perspectives for socialists in the North West are promising. Workers and young people are looking to socialist ideas and are looking towards us.

Reports from our branches followed a similar theme. The industrial work of our members has been pushing for coordinated strike action. We are looking ahead to 1 February and bigger actions on the horizon.

At the meeting we have elected a new regional committee, and agreed several initiatives, including reading groups and trade union schools.

Socialist Party members across the North West are looking to build a fighting socialist party that will play a decisive role in the class battles to come. If you want to get involved in that fight, get in touch.