Leeds Socialist Students at a rally at Leeds City Square organised by Leeds Trades council and Leeds Against the Cuts on 20 October, photo Iain Dalton

Leeds Socialist Students at a rally at Leeds City Square organised by Leeds Trades council and Leeds Against the Cuts on 20 October, photo Iain Dalton   (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)

Over 100 people remain in occupation at Leeds University with hundreds of people visiting the occupation, as well as delegations of school and college students coming to discuss the way forward. Trade unionists have been bringing greetings to the occupation alongside food and drink.

We’ve also had speakers from Hull Against The Cuts, Kirklees SOS and a student who had been in the occupation at Sheffield University.

We’ve received messages from far and wide including from the Belgian sister organisation of Socialist Students.

Mass meetings of the occupation have agreed to build for a city wide meeting of students from universities, colleges and schools as well as staff and parents to discuss what action to take on the 30th November day of action.

Morale remains high and was boosted by the news that EMA has been saved in Wales and by establishing contact via skype with the occupations at Manchester and Newcastle.

Ian Pattison, press representative for the occupation, said: “There is a positive mood in the occupation that has been boosted by the news that EMA is going to be saved in Wales.

“This has given us the confidence that if we fight we can win.”

Video: Ian Pattison explains about the occupation

For more info contact Ian Pattison on 07766 585 543.