Chloé Leslie, Birmingham South Socialist Party
On Saturday 28 January Socialist Party members held a stall in Bromsgrove supporting NHS workers on strike, calling for coordinated strike action. Over the course of two hours we were able to speak to plenty of people who agreed with the fact that nurses and NHS staff are more than deserving of a fair inflation-proof pay rise. We spoke to many people who were vehemently opposed to the privatisation that has been and is taking place throughout the NHS.
Compared to previous stalls we have had here in Bromsgrove, this was the most successful yet, raising over £60 for the Socialist Party fighting fund.
Many locals stopped to speak to us and took time out of their day to sign the petitions, even if they were in a rush. With the overall changing attitude of people across the country in support of the strikes, I believe that we will see an even greater increase in support for workers on strike not only in the NHS but in all other sectors as well.