Hospital Ward. Photo: Alex/CC
Hospital Ward. Photo: Alex/CC

Piriyasha, Birmingham Central Socialist Party

The Tories – instead of dealing with overcrowded hospitals, and funding the NHS properly, – are putting the responsibility on families to look after patients in their homes. Another way to get away with further cuts to the NHS.

‘Virtual wards’ will supposedly be supported by already understaffed and overworked home clinicians. So how does the government expect to meet its new two-hour target to respond to home calls?

A hospital is where all the necessary facilities should be available, including the necessary healthcare staff and life-saving equipment. But the Tories are not increasing funding to the NHS to combat 13 years of government cuts.

Healthcare should not be a luxury, it is a necessity for life that all should have access to. The Tories, and the Labour Party under Keir Starmer, are not able to provide us with necessities we need.

We need a free National Health Service, fully funded, and run by the working class. And for that, we need a socialist system that is democratically run by the working class for the benefit of all, and not just for the profits of the bosses.