Readers and subscribers of our monthly theoretical magazine, Socialism Today, will have noticed that the latest March issue (No265) has been printed on higher quality paper. This is because a vital piece of our printing equipment, the finishing machine, has broken and, as it was not possible to repair it in time, we had to send out the magazine to be printed commercially.
There’s no doubt that the better quality paper greatly improves the appearance of the magazine and will be appreciated by our readers. But unfortunately this has significantly increased our print and postage costs for this issue. In addition, we are facing a possible capital expenditure of at least £5,000 to replace the broken equipment if we are not able to fully repair it.
This has highlighted just how vital having our own printing press is for the Socialist Party. In particular, it allows us to produce campaigning material to respond quickly to events as they arise. And with the current strike wave, this is becoming more important than ever. Without the press our campaigning work and our ability to put forward our programme for taking strikes and struggles forward would be seriously impacted.
We’re not launching a special appeal for our press, but we are asking all branches and members and supporters of the Socialist Party to do everything they can to reach and smash through this quarter’s fighting fund target. We’re confident that, with planning and energetic campaigning, we can get the money we need. Can you help in raising more fighting fund? Can you make a donation? Every extra pound we raise is a crucial contribution to the fight for socialism.