Sheffield Socialist Students
Sheffield Socialist Students

Noah Eden, Sheffield Socialist Students

Young people have been suffering under the brutal policies of the Tory government over the last decade. At the next general election, whenever it happens, it will not be surprising many students and young workers will vote Labour to get rid of the Tories. For many, this will be the only reason to vote Labour. Not because Keir Starmer’s Labour offers up a vision of a better future, simply because they are not the hated Tories. Starmer has already refused to back striking workers, a £15-an-hour minimum wage, and has refused to pledge to abolish tuition fees. A Starmer government would offer little-to-no change from the greed and corruption we currently see in Westminster.

Workers and young people need an alternative, a party which will back those on strike against the cost-of-living crisis, which will fight for free education and more.

At the Socialist Students conference, coming up on 18 March in Birmingham, Sheffield Socialist Students will be submitting a motion raising the need for a new mass workers’ party. A party with genuine socialist policies and one which fights to end the injustices young people face. It’s time that young people join with the striking workers to fight and build for a new party and a better future. Discussions and debates on this and other issues, such as how to build a fighting student movement for free education, and how do we tackle sexual harassment on campus, will feature at the conference. If you want to get involved and join the fightback on campus then you should come along.