Sheffield Socialist Party. Photo: Yorkshire SP
Sheffield Socialist Party. Photo: Yorkshire SP

Chris Newby, Socialist Party fighting fund organiser

We have smashed our fighting fund target for the first quarter of 2023 raising over £33,000, and we couldn’t have done it without you.

This quarter’s target received a significant boost from the tremendous appeal at the Socialist Party’s congress. But we have also had many reports across England and Wales of an increase in the donations we are receiving from workers on our campaign stalls. All of our regular street campaigning is on top of the support we have given workers in struggle on the picket lines, demonstrations and protests. Socialist Party members have been discussing with workers the most effective strategy for fighting back against the government and bosses’ attacks. But we can’t let up now in our fundraising efforts.

The rejection by teachers in the NEU of the insulting pay offer is one indication that workers are determined to continue their struggle. One of the key issues that workers on the picket lines and demonstrations are raising is the need for a party that genuinely stands up for the working class. In the upcoming elections on 4 May hundreds of candidates including Socialist Party members will be standing as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition. This will give many thousands of workers the opportunity to vote for genuine anti-austerity and socialist candidates. We also call on Jeremy Corbyn to publicly declare to stand in the general election, as part of steps towards the formation of a new mass workers’ party backed by trade unionists. This could be a real inspiration to workers and young people.

The Socialist Party is determined to fight for an anti-austerity socialist programme for working-class and young people, but we need your help to ensure we have the resources needed. If you agree and want to help fund the fight, please donate to us today.

If you already a member of the Socialist Party, contact your branch to find out how you can help us raise funds to fight for socialism.