East Midlands Socailsit Party conference. Photo: Heather Rawling
East Midlands Socailsit Party conference. Photo: Heather Rawling

Yasmin Howie, Northampton Socialist Party

Socialist Party members from across the East Midlands gathered in Leicester on 1 April for a successful regional conference. Several Northampton branch members arrived earlier in the day to take part in a campaign stall ahead of the conference, with a socialist message of hope and change for the people of Leicester who have both council and mayoral elections this May, which Socialist Party members intend to stand in as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC).

Lenny Shail, national campaigns organiser, started the discussions with an overview of the capitalist crisis in Britain and worldwide, painting a picture of a chaotic system that serves the elite at the expense of all else. He spoke about the work of the international organisation Socialist Party of England and Wales is part of, the Committee for a Workers’ International, and the building of support for world socialism.

This conference took place against the backdrop of a cost-of-living crisis with workers being expected to pay the price for capitalist crisis, and the response of the ongoing strike wave. Socialist Party members will continue to discuss a socialist alternative with workers and young people, including those on strike, in workplaces, local campaigns and on the streets.

In addition to Leicester mayor, Socialist Party members will also stand as part of TUSC in the Mansfield mayoral election and over 30 council seats. Discussions took place throughout the day to sort travel plans to support local branches in campaigning.

With a lot of work ahead of us, we raised £295 for the fighting fund and left the conference determined and energised.