Tom Young, Chester Socialist Party
I joined The Socialist Party at the start of 2023 after a progression of my political views convinced me that socialism is the best way forward for the people of the world.
For many years now I, like many others, have been looking at the state of our country and of the world, with mounting fear. From the climate crisis, to collapsing public services at home, to the exploitation of workers here and abroad. As living standards have dropped for the working class, there has been an understandable reaction of anger and frustration, which the ruling class and the far right have capitalised on, polarising our politics and turning different sections of our class against one another.
I had searched for ways to improve the situation. I donated money to charities to address the issues I saw around me, and advocated for protections for minority groups. However, it was slowly becoming more and more apparent to me that these efforts were always doomed to fail in a system which prioritises profit over human needs.
Catalysed by the cost-of-living crisis and the wave of strikes, I kept searching and began to read and watch content about socialism, and as I learned more, I became more convinced of the socialist cause. Having understood this, I eventually decided I wanted to get involved in the movement for two primary reasons.
The first is that I hope to help communicate the ideas of socialism and our vision of a better society. I feel that many people know the problems of the system, but not all extend that line of thinking to a socialist conclusion, and too often have their anger misdirected at those they should be class allies with.
The second reason, and what ultimately made me take the plunge, is that it gives me hope. I believe that the socialist transformation of society will make life better for people and that it will bring a brighter future, and I will do what I can to make that transformation a reality.