Oxford youth campaign for £15-an-hour minimum wage - photo Socialist Party
Oxford youth campaign for £15-an-hour minimum wage - photo Socialist Party

The cost-of-living crisis is a daily feature of the lives of working-class and young people. Food prices have risen at their fastest rate for 45 years. Every time you go shopping, you come back with fewer items having spent more money.

What do we do about this?

Well, if you read the BBC website it will tell you numerous ways you can save money – including making a £1 slow cooker meal or how to reuse food waste. There are more articles on saving a penny here and there than what’s really needed to end the cost-of-living crisis.

As we say in the pages of the Socialist, we need real, fully funded, inflation-proof pay rises for all. And we need them now!

The Socialist Party members will be out on the May Day bank holiday weekend ‘mega-strike’ supporting workers taking action.

Help us fund the fight for a socialist alternative to the cost-of-living crisis by making a donation today.