Tickets are now on sale for Socialism 2023! The annual event, hosted by the Socialist Party, brings together hundreds of the best class fighters, socialists, trade unionists and young people from across the country. It’s a chance to debate, discuss and map out how we can fight back, win and change the world.
This year the event is back at the Institute of Education, London, just a short walk from Euston station. Over the course of the weekend, 40 different sessions on a whole host of topics will be covered and discussed.
From ‘Is a general strike on the cards?’ ‘Is another financial crisis beginning?’ and ‘Fighting for a workers’ voice at the next general election’, to ‘40 years since the miners’ strike’, and ‘100 years since Trotsky’s Left Opposition formed’.
The Saturday night will see another inspirational ‘Rally for Socialism’ in Logan Hall, with a whole host of speakers, representing the power of the working class across the globe.
Tickets are at 2022 prices until the end of August, including the popular ‘golden’ tickets that include accommodation bed at the nearby hostel, with other people going to Socialism 2023.