Yorkshire: organising the student movement

Calderdale and Kirklees

The launch meeting of the Calderdale and Kirklees Student Assembly (CKSA) took place on Sunday 30 January in Halifax. The Assembly heard from several speakers including Sam Garrett, a student who took part in the occupation of Leeds Trinity and Mike Forster, an activist in Kirklees Unison (speaking in a personal capacity).

Tom Walpole, an activist in CKSA, reported on what we have done so far. The meeting discussed practical issues, including an upcoming demonstration in Halifax on 12 February.

We also discussed linking up with others in the fight against cuts and we will be sending representatives to the local anti-cuts campaigns both in Calderdale and Kirklees as well as seeking to affiliate to them and to Youth Fight for Jobs and Education.

Katie Bates, Secretary CKSA

Leeds Trinity

Leeds Trinity Students Against Cuts won a victory with two of our demands met by university management and we have gained a permanent campaign office to organise further action from.

We intend to continue campaigning to raise awareness of the cuts and the impact they will have at Trinity. We want to thank Youth Fight for Jobs and Education – to which we have affiliated – for their help and advice during our struggle.

Leeds Trinity occupiers

Leeds College of Music

Students from Leeds College of Music (LCM) met with Leeds Socialist Students for the first meeting of the new anti-cuts group Leeds College of Music Students Against Cuts (LCMSAC).

The group discussed the fact that LCM is facing the abolition of its entire teaching budget and fees could go up to £7,000 a year. We will raise awareness of this and try to get the support of the student union to get cheap or free transport to national demonstrations.

Jonny Mawson, LCMSAC