Leicester TUSC public meeting
Leicester TUSC public meeting

Alex Gillham, Leicester Socialist Party

Leicester Socialist Party hosted a Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) public meeting on Tuesday 16 May. The meeting was held to respond to Leicester’s local election results, and coordinate efforts with independents and other anti-cuts activists in Leicester.

The meeting had an attendance of 25, including TUSC candidates, supporters and independent campaigners, and ex-Labour councillors Rita Patel, Gary O’Donnell and Jacky Nangreave. Patel ran in the mayoral election race, campaigning to remove the mayoral post. Overall, there were more votes for candidates running against the mayoral system than for, including TUSC candidate Steve Score who ran on an anti-austerity socialist programme. (see ‘Anti-cuts stand cuts through Leicester Labour turmoil’ on socialistparty.org.uk)

Patel highlighted the damage the mayoral system was causing to the city and is launching a campaign to include a mayoral referendum at the next elections which requires 12,000 signatures from registered voters in the city. (The petition can be found at leicesterdemocracy.org.uk/)

Sital Gill of the Indian Workers’ Association, who ran for a seat in Troon ward, also joined, and expressed solidarity and a wish to build anti-cuts and socialist campaigns with TUSC supporters.

Overall, there was a sense of optimism that these groups can work together over the coming years to build anti-cuts alliances. Gary O’Donnell, who ran as an Independent in Western ward after leaving Labour earlier this year, expressed concerns at a newly elected Labour councillor immediately expressing her plans to close vital local services at the vote count.

TUSC will continue to fight cuts in the city including in elections. To organise this, a local TUSC steering committee was agreed to be established to help drive the campaign for a socialist alternative in Leicester forward.