Marion Lloyd, photo Mary Finch, credit: Mary Finch (uploaded 06/11/2019)
Marion Lloyd, photo Mary Finch, credit: Mary Finch (uploaded 06/11/2019)

“A vibrant organisation supporting the struggles of workers and debating the way forward”

Marion Lloyd, Group president of PCS BEIS group (personal capacity) and chair of the Broad Left Network

I will be attending the NSSN conference on 24 June to help build solidarity across the broader trade union movement, in the context of the biggest industrial battle in the last 15 years. My union, the civil service union PCS, is campaigning to improve pay, defend jobs and protect pensions. There is huge support for our strikes, demonstrated by massive picket lines, and a new young layer of members wanting to get stuck in and fight. They know this Tory government is weak and if we do our job properly we can deal them a hammer blow. 

Conferences such as this are inspiring – socialist and good left trade unionists coming together to discuss and debate the way forward, arming us with knowledge and ideas to take back to our unions, our workplaces and our workmates.

The NSSN consistently supports workers in struggle, including PCS members, and coordinates activity, action and ideas.  Disgracefully, the PCS leadership succeeded in getting the union to disaffiliate from the NSSN last year. Lies were told about the role this organisation plays in order to win that position at conference. Even so, the abstainers were many more than those who voted to disaffiliate and the vote was very close. 

Despite this, I will continue to explain the role of the NSSN and encourage people to attend the conference so they can see the truth for themselves: a vibrant, campaigning, socialist organisation building and supporting the struggle of workers UK-wide. Solidarity!

2023 NSSN Conference – Saturday 24th June in Conway Hall, London 11am-4.30pm –Attendance fee £6. You can register on the day at conference or email us in advance via [email protected]

Confirmed speakers so far: NIPSA General Secretary Carmel Gates, BFAWU General Secretary Sarah Woolley, POA General Secretary Steve Gillan, NAPO National Official Annoesjka Valent, GMB Officer Gary Palmer from the victorious #GMBThree