Nottinghamshire county council Unison is balloting for strike action against the Tory administration of councillor Kay Cutts. On 24 February Unison hopes to strike and will be organising a demonstration to the budget setting meeting at County Hall.
The council leader has the right name – £87 million of cuts are planned for this coming year and £154 million over three years. The council is prepared to spend £60 million to make 3,500 workers redundant!
Against these attacks Notts Unison has fought a long hard battle. It has conducted a twelve week work to rule, three indicative ballots and is now in its second formal ballot for action. Scores of workplace meetings have taken place.
Greater support is now being offered to the branch from Unison regionally and nationally. But this has only been after a lot of pressure was exerted.
Some members feel isolated and can’t see how to overcome the council’s butchery of jobs and services. This can be overcome by Unison linking all local government struggles together: to use our collective strength in wide-scale coordinated industrial action.