Youth recreate Jarrow March for Jobs on 75th anniversary
No return to the 1930s!
Youth Fight for Jobs press release
October 2011 will mark the 75th anniversary of the Jarrow march against unemployment.
At present there are 965,000 16-24 year olds who are unemployed. Youth Fight for Jobs (YFJ) will bring this issue to the fore by holding a march from Jarrow to London, starting on 1 October and ending on 5 November.
We will be holding this protest to demand decent jobs and a free education for young people.
Youth Fight for Jobs national organiser Paul Callanan says:
“Young people now face the worst attacks on our rights and living standards we’ve seen in generations. The government is determined to push through cuts that will limit opportunities for youth even further.
“They also want to see unemployed youth used as slave labour for big business by putting people on ‘work for dole’ schemes. With the brutal attacks being made on the right to an education as well, we really feel that every avenue is being closed off for people who want a decent future.
“We will be marching from Jarrow to London in October to show this Con-Dem government that we will not see all the gains made by working class people over the last century blotted out of existence.
“We want to put the issue of youth unemployment right at the top of the agenda.
“As well as the march we will be building protests, demonstrations and rallies up and down the country in solidarity with the march, with the aim of linking up student activists, trade unionists, those fighting against the cuts and the unemployed.
“This is the time for young people to say: We won’t be a lost generation! Fight for jobs and education!”
Youth Fight for Jobs is a campaigning organisation launched in early 2009 in response to the government trying to punish young people for the recession.
We have the backing of the PCS, UCU, RMT, CWU, UNITE and BECTU trade unions.
For more info contact [email protected] or phone 07837803652 or 07952255333
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Youth jobs group plans to recreate Jarrow March – BBC report on Youth Fight for Jobs demo