Target reached – now can you help us smash it?
Thanks to all the people that donated to the Socialist Party, to those who helped raise money on campaign stalls or put on events and socials. With less than two weeks until the end of the quarter, the Socialist Party has raised over 100% of our fighting fund target.
In the last week, Socialist Party members in Devon held a film screening and made over £60 in refreshment sales. A stall campaigning to save the NHS in Kings Heath, South Birmingham, also took part in a mini-Pride event and found people willing to donate to help us get our socialist ideas out there.
Socialist Party members took the previous issue of the Socialist out on the Orgreave Truth and Justice rally in Sheffield, and found many people willing to buy and donate to help spread the lessons from previous working-class struggles so workers on strike today can win.
Socialist Party members have been asking their friends and colleagues to help chip in to fund the vital upgrade of our IT equipment in our national office. Those funds go towards making sure the Socialist newspaper, leaflets and placards can keep being produced, and more won to socialist ideas that can win.