Join the socialists!. Photo: Tommy Liverpool
Join the socialists!. Photo: Tommy Liverpool

To fight for a world where people’s full potential is realised

Alex Philips, Surrey Socialist Party

In 2017, as a sixth former, Jeremy Corbyn seized my attention with a campaign for a manifesto that proposed real change to our society. I felt my first taste of political hope.

And the wave of popularity around Labour that election made it clear that this was a feeling that went beyond just me, particularly with other young people.

Unfortunately, the 2019 general election results were a brutal exposure of the extent to which the establishment will work to maintain the status quo. And now, the purging of democracy and socialism in Labour has made it clear to me that the bosses and their parties will never again make the mistake of letting in someone that promises real, sustainable, social change.

I wanted to be in a political environment where I felt like I had a voice, and where that voice would have the chance to cooperate with many of those like it. The Socialist Party has exposed me to some people that give me genuine hope, both from other members and with those I interact with when campaigning. I have seen young people like me, fuelled by their passion and determination, stand up in hustings and give outstanding speeches whilst facing down the institutional behemoths that are the mainstream political parties.

I joined the Socialist Party because I no longer wish to stand and turn my cheek on the relentless attacks on my workplace, my environment, and my future. I am a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics) graduate, burnt out from a harsh four-year degree.

I pushed through with the hope that at the end I would be promised a job where I could pursue my passion. But the STEM graduate of today faces an unfortunately reality. Despite the publicity pushing for young people to pursue STEM, there is a shortage of genuine scientific jobs that enable students to make the full use of their hard-earned training and knowledge.

And many of those that do get a job using their skills soon find out that there is little room under capitalism for curiosity and research when every decision must be justified on the basis of its profitability.

I joined the Socialist Party because, like many others, I no longer see a way to pursue my dream within the system, and so I want to work towards changing it for the better.