Thanks to all our readers, supporters and members of the Socialist Party who have helped us smash through this quarter’s fighting fund target. Across England and Wales, workers and young people have responded to our regular campaign stalls by donating to the fighting fund and buying the Socialist. The range of different issues Socialist Party branches have been campaigning on underlines the mountain of attacks that the working class is facing. From campaigning for free school meals, to defending the NHS, supporting workers on strike, including Leeds bus strikers, opposing massive council tax increases in Croydon and campaigning against car parking charges in Coventry.
On demonstrations, protests and picket lines, people have been prepared to donate to help us to produce leaflets, posters and placards. At the trade union conferences our campaigning outside the conference venues and at our public meetings has been well-received, with the highlight being the over £2,000 raised at Unison conference.
Fundraising events organised by Socialist Party branches have included £48 selling Easter cakes in Swansea, to the £238 raised at the Waltham Forest BBQ, and the Eurovision and Pride film socials in Northampton. On top of all this are the thousands of pounds raised at Socialist Party conferences in Yorkshire, the South West and Wales.
The Socialist Party has a target of £25,000 every quarter. The next quarter starts this week so we cannot afford to let up. We urgently need you to continue to donate and ask others you know to help make sure we can continue to get out our socialist message as widely as possible.