Angry staff rooms need the Socialist


Working in education, declarations of hatred for the Tories are commonplace. So when I overheard a colleague in our staff room saying she couldn’t stand the government I struck up conversation: “Speaking of getting the Tories out, could I interest you in a copy of the Socialist?”

After explaining a bit about what to expect from a copy, she was more than happy to buy one. Another colleague, after seeing the front page, said: “I’m not sure if I’m a socialist, but I’ll give you a donation!”

We then had a conversation about the situation facing the working class, ‘Thatcher was nice compared to this lot,’ was the consensus of the people there. There was an understandable mix of opinion on the best options for getting rid of the current government, whether to vote Labour or not. The overriding opinion was that MPs from all the establishment parties weren’t serving the interests of working people; the idea of a workers’ MP on worker’s wage got support. We also talked about the upcoming NSSN lobby of the TUC conference and the UCU branch at our workplace.