Socialist Party members on London Underground
Many RMT members in the London Transport region are dismayed at the calling-off of strike action on London Underground (see ‘Rail unions take joint action on London Underground’ at
A week-long strike would have shown the resolve of our members to fight to defend our pensions, jobs, and conditions of service won over decades of struggle.
The decision to call off action without a meeting of all our reps, which is the way our region normally democratically operates, has blunted our action.
The regional leadership and reps should meet and resolve to build for future action decided by our reps and members, to fight the attacks on our members by a Tory government aided by a Labour London mayor.
Action over the last year by RMT members kept attacks at bay, but now more action is needed to push the bosses back. All the attacks on jobs, conditions and pensions remain on the table, albeit temporarily delayed. This must be met with future united strike action by the RMT and Aslef on London Underground.