Cheltenham anti-cuts protester Rob Bishop has challenged Lib Dem MP Martin Horwood to a public debate over public spending cuts. A few weeks ago a copy of the Lib Dem Focus newspaper dropped through Rob’s letter box.
Rob explains: “I was furious to see Martin Horwood’s photo holding a Save Our Libraries placard when it’s his Con-Dem coalition government which is causing these ferocious cuts.
“Horwood hijacked the protest outside my threatened local library, Hesters Way. He joined the group for a photo-opportunity. Hesters Way is one of Cheltenham’s poorest areas, so the library is very important to us I could not believe his cheek.”
Rob went into action, producing a humorous flyer castigating Horwood, which members of the local anti-cuts group delivered to hundreds of homes.
Horwood said he was against certain cuts.
Rob goes on: “Lib Dem hypocrisy knows no bounds. They are opportunists and clearly oppose certain cuts to obtain electoral gain. The anti-cuts movement must expose this type of hypocrisy or people could be fooled into believing the Lib Dems are on their side. We must fight cuts from whichever political colour they come from, be it Tory, Lib Dem or Labour.”
Rob has now challenged Horwood to a public debate at a date and time of his choosing.
Rob adds: “Horwood’s silent response so far has been deafening. However, the Cheltenham Against the Cuts group will be out on the streets campaigning as never before, further motivated by Lib Dem hypocrisy!”