The Socialist Party LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans) group met in London on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 March.
On Saturday Hannah Sell, Socialist Party deputy general secretary, introduced a discussion on Leon Trotsky’s ideas of the transitional programme. This debate included issues over the terminology used in the party’s work, specifically the use of the word “Queer” which many radical young LGBT people use to express opposition to the oppression they face in society and the commercialisation of the gay scene.
This discussion will continue. It was recognised that the issue is complicated with legitimate views on both sides. A lot of LGBT people see the word as a term of abuse – although for many young people the word “gay” is one heard in homophobic bullying in schools.
The meeting on Sunday mainly focused on linking LGBT struggle with that of all working class people, specifically with the struggles against devastating cuts sweeping the country and ways to work with the trade unions, both their LGBT groups and the unions as a whole.
Cuts in jobs and services will hit LGBT people and communities especially hard. We in the Socialist Party are determined and ready to offer a vital socialist alternative to this rotten system.