“The Tories, Lib Dems and Labour all support cuts, privatisation and the anti-union laws.
“They all want us to pay for a crisis we didn’t create.
“The bankers pay themselves millions in bonuses and big business taxes go uncollected while our jobs and services are savaged. These cuts are unnecessary and can be defeated. We need to build an alternative. That’s why I’m helping to build TUSC.”
Bob Crow, RMT general secretary and TUSC national steering committee
Labour councillors in Cumbria hold up placards opposing the cuts on demonstrations then put the placards down, pop into county hall and vote through the cuts in an unholy alliance with… the Cumbrian Tories!
Labour in government introduced tuition fees, brought privatisation into our NHS, developed expensive and wasteful PFI schemes, extended rail privatisation and privatised Tyne and Wear Metro, pushed privatisation across our key public services, made Tory anti trade union laws even worse, pushed council housing into the hands of private landlords, handed over billions of taxpayers’ money to greedy, bonus grabbing bankers and took us into an illegal war.
We need a socialist alternative to all this rubbish when it comes to the forthcoming elections – that alliance is being built now. It’s called the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition – it’s getting my support.
Craig Johnston RMT national executive member Manchester and North West of England
It’s clear what the government’s policy is on the NHS and that is complete privatisation and the biggest financial cuts for 60 years.
The consequences will be a massive reduction in NHS services, closure of wards, hospitals, and mass redundancies.
The employers also intend to launch an unprecedented attack on health workers’ wages, conditions and living standards while they seek to establish a low paid, low skilled, exploited workforce.
Unfortunately, the last Labour government also pursued policies that undermined the founding principles of the NHS, through PFI, private treatment centres and laying the foundations for a health care market.
None of the mainstream parties is willing to defend the NHS or its staff so it is vital an alternative is put in the upcoming elections.
That is why health workers should consider standing as Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition candidates; standing on a platform of opposing all NHS cuts and privatisation.
Roger Davey Secretary, Wiltshire and Avon Health Unison branch (personal capacity)
Suraj Shah, an 18-year old Socialist Party member is to be a TUSC candidate in Leicester’s city council elections as part of the Vote Against Cuts in Leicester alliance.
Suraj’s mother Reishma, who works for the council, is threatened with redundancy.
He said: “I was already considering standing, but when my mum said the council are thinking about making her redundant I knew I had to stick up for her and many like her.
“I am out there to tell the people they do not have to accept the savage cuts. Together we can make a difference and say no to this madness.”