Suraj Shah, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition candidate for Rushey Mead ward, Leicester
On Friday 1 April, Nick Clegg came to Leicester to hold a question and answer session at Showcase Cinema in the Highcross shopping mall. It was the first time he held such an event in the East Midlands without his ‘partner in crime’ David Cameron.
Showing Clegg’s cowardice, people had to give their details to the police before being allowed inside to ask questions.
Youth Fight for Jobs helped organise a protest of up to 100 people outside.
The fact that so many came out shows that working people and students are still outraged by the tuition fees increase and attacks on our right to a decent education. Voices chanting “Nick Clegg shame on you!” echoed through the area around the protest.
We found support from passers by and some even joined the protest. This shows the anger that exists at the Liberal Democrats for caring more about power than the working people who put them into their positions.
Some of the young people on the protest had voted Lib Dem, and were furious at the way Clegg betrayed them.
Many of the protesters realised the need for an alternative to the three main parties – a party that opposes all cuts and puts ordinary people before the profits of big business.