A conference delegate
The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has become the first trade union to call for a 24 hour general strike. The NUJ gave overwhelming backing at its delegate meeting (national conference) to calling on the TUC to coordinate a general strike against the cuts and attacks on wages and pensions.
The union agreed to look at ways journalists could become involved in coordinated industrial action and to support the National Shop Stewards Network anti-cuts campaign and other bodies opposing the cuts.
The delegate meeting also offered its support for the Egyptian, Tunisian and other Middle East and North African revolutions, and to back the formation of democratic independent trade unions, workplace committees and neighbourhood committees.
Delegates urged the union’s national executive committee to follow the examples set by the Arab masses and redouble the efforts to mobilise against the Con-Dem cuts.
The news of the climbdown by News International over phone tapping, which came during the conference, vindicated the position of the NUJ, and a number of delegates made the point that whilst the excesses of the News of the World were among the worst examples, there was widespread unjustified use of illicit methods.
The conference saw the end of general secretary Jeremy Dear’s ten years at the helm and deputy general secretary Michelle Stanistreet take his position unopposed. The lack of an election caused concern as it was a missed opportunity for Michelle to explain her policies and plans for the union.
In many ways the delegate meeting was a success for the left in the NUJ.
However, faced with the biggest attack on working people for 90 years, the test for the left will be to ensure that positive resolutions are carried out. Actions speak louder than words!