The National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) steering committee has agreed to bring the fifth annual NSSN conference forward to Saturday 11 June. This is to avoid a clash with the Durham Miners’ Gala and other labour movement events around the same time.
The conference will be taking place in the run-up to potential strike action by five or more unions against the Con-Dems’ attacks on public sector pensions. The other main themes of the conference will be fighting the anti-union laws and defending the NHS. The conference will be at the South Camden Community School from 11.30am to 4pm. Registration will begin at 10.30am.
For more information see: and
Unison elections
The elections for Unison’s national executive council run from 11 April to 13 May, when members have a chance to elect the fighting leadership needed to counter the massive attacks on jobs and services being waged by the Con-Dem government and by councils.
Readers of the Socialist in Unison are encouraged to vote for candidates on the left slate. For more information see: