Venue: Institute of Education 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

Revised agenda for Socialism 2023

Click here to view the brochure for the weekend in pdf format.

Socialism 2023 will take place on 25 and 26 November – but with a revised agenda. This is to allow the hundreds of people who have bought tickets to also join the demo that has now been called. 

While the onslaught in Gaza – and increasingly in the West Bank – certainly makes workshops to discuss socialist ideas to change the world important, including on how a Palestine state can be achieved, how the Tory anti-union legislation can be defeated, Marxist theory, and more – it makes discussing these ideas on the streets crucial too. 

Which is why the announcement of a national London demo against the slaughter in Gaza means we have to make drastic changes to our plans and the agenda. 

Socialism 2023 is going ahead – but we encourage everyone who can to go on the demo and then join us for the Saturday evening rally at 5.30pm (details below). A full day of workshops and a choice of anti-war closing rallies will be available on Sunday. 

Click here to buy your tickets

Click here if you would like to be contacted about joining Socialist Party members on the demo to offer socialist ideas for discussion in the movement. 

How will the revised agenda work? 

The Saturday morning workshops (11.30am-1.30pm) will be cancelled and the workshops re-arranged in order to allow you to both attend the march, get a little break and a bite to eat and then come to the evening rally at 5.30pm. 

The rally will be a big draw for marchers so get there early to get a seat! The details of speakers are listed below. 

We have also booked the bar in the building where Socialism 2023 takes place so you can stay and chat over the day’s events and the ideas raised in the rally. 

There will be six workshops to choose from on the Saturday afternoon 2.30-4.30pm for those who don’t make it to London in time to join the demo. 

The details of the revised agenda are here

There’s definitely a lot for us to discuss at this year’s event. The inability of capitalism and its political representatives to meet any of the needs of working-class and poor people anywhere on the globe are being revealed over and over.  

All that is on offer is a never-ending diet of war, poverty, climate crisis, oppression and repression. Mass struggle of workers and young people to end war and change the world must be organised. 

If you wish to do some preparatory reading, we recommend the website of Socialism Today where you can find many articles including in the back issues. Subscription forms will be available at the event. 

Saturday rally 

Venue: Logan Hall, Institute of Education 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

The theme of the main Saturday night rally is: 

Capitalism means war and crisis 

Tories on the way out 

Fight for a socialist alternative 

It will take place 5.30-7.30pm on 25 November.  

And the line-up of speakers for the rally is here: 

  • Hannah Sell, Socialist Party general secretary 
  • Marion Lloyd, left candidate for PCS general secretary 
  • Emma Dent Coad, socialist ex MP standing against Starmer’s Labour 
  • Tony Saunois, Committee for a Workers’ International secretary 
  • Garfield Hylton, Amazon striker 
  • Mila Hughes, Young Socialists Against War 
  • Chair: Sheila Caffrey, socialist candidate for NEU vice-president 

Closing rallies on Sunday 3-4pm 

Young Socialists Against War 

Speakers include: 

  • Adam Powell-Davies, Socialist Students 
  • Chiara Stenger, national committee of Youth for Socialism, Germany 
  • Eve Miller, young health worker 
  • Adam Gillman, Socialist Students activist, Reading 
  • Chaired by: Oscar Parry, Young Socialists 

Build a workers’ voice against war and capitalism 

Speakers include: 

  • Dave Nellist, former socialist labour MP 
  • Judy Beishon, Socialist Party executive 
  • Plus speakers from the trade unions tbc 
  • Chaired by Helen Pattison, Socialist Party London secretary 

Fight for a socialist world 

Speakers include: 

  • Sean Figg, Committee for a Workers’ International, International Secretariat 
  • Casper Loettgers, national committee of Youth for Socialism, Germany 
  • HT Soweto, Democratic Socialist Movement, Nigeria on the developments in the class struggle there 
  • Chaired by: TU Senan, Committee for a workers’ International, International Secretariat 

Ticket holders have been emailed with all the details. Should anyone require a refund following these changes, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. However, should you be able to donate your ticket money, it will be gratefully incorporated into the fighting fund appeal that will form part of the rally – with the event costing over £20,000 and the need to keep buying sticks and cards for our volunteers to make placards and material for the demo. If you would like to donate go to: 

Click here to buy your tickets