Fight cuts – vote socialist
Lenny Shail, Socialist Alternative candidate, Coventry
The twin terminator toffs, Cameron and Clegg, are determined to slash public services, privatise whatever they can and wipe out even more jobs. The message of socialists throughout the election campaign has been clear – cuts can be stopped.
But we can’t trust Labour to resist Con-Dem cuts. Since the May 2010 elections, Coventry city’s Labour-controlled council has chosen instead to pass on £38 million worth of cuts.
Coventry socialist Dave Nellist, even as one councillor out of 54, has built more opposition to the cuts than the whole Labour group put together. Dave and the Socialist Party put forward a strategy of using reserves to hold off the cuts, while building a mass campaign locally and nationally to defeat cuts.
The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) election alliance was set up in 2010, backed by leading members of the RMT transport workers’ union, the PCS civil servants’ union, the National Union of Teachers and the POA prison officers’ union.
Over 180 candidates will be standing as part of the TUSC anti-cuts challenge in the 5 May elections.