Support the Leeds Fed strikers

Iain Dalton, Leeds Hyde Park and Headingley Socialist Party

Wednesday 20 April was the final day of a five-day strike by housing support workers at Leeds Federated Housing who face large pay cuts and the downgrading of some of their jobs. They called for support for their morning picket lines and around 20 or so trade unionists, socialists and anti-cuts campaigners turned up. Added to the Unison placards and flags that have been on the picket lines every day were banners from Unite, Usdaw, Leeds Youth Fight for Jobs and Leeds Socialist Party.

The first reporter for days came down to cover the strike as a result of a press release put out by Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts candidate for nearby Headingley ward, Ian Pattison.

At the moment there has been a stone wall of silence from Leeds Fed management, but union officials have organised a meeting with the management of all four companies contracted by the city council to provide housing support – Leeds Fed, Touchstone, Community Links and Foundation.

The strikers were able to discuss on the picket line with union members and reps from Touchstone, who were on strike the previous week over similar attacks, and Community Links.

If management still refuses to back down on these attacks then strike action should be coordinated between all affected workers. It is vital that Unison creates a forum whereby stewards at the four workplaces can meet to discuss not just these attacks, but also future issues affecting housing support workers.